Blank e-mails…

So sorry to those who get e-mail notifications when I have a new post… in all of the upgrading, database changes etc I forgot to configure the subscription plugin that I use… so each time I posted all people would get was a blank e-mail from me…. 

I fixed it now so I should stop bugging you in your inboxes… 


ETA….oops sorry.. it should be better next time…. (again)

LLL meeting…

On Tuesday I went to a LLL meeting and I was so upset when I realized half way there while on the highway that I had forgotten my ER wrap… I felt so naked and panicked a bit about how I was going to wear Khéna.. I had a Maman Kangourou stretchy with me but the stretch isn't working well anymore with him and the Maman Kangourou is also too narrow for my liking… then I remembered that I had a scarf/shawl on me and I made a makeshift sling out of that, It worked out really well but I really missed my wrap the whole time…. 

The meeting was OK… a weird lady came in that had weight gain issues with her dd… at 5 1/2 months she was only about 10 lbs… she then talked about scheduled feeding and 12 hour nights and that she didn't want to change that because she had worked hard to get it that way….

I think we all heard crickets chirping and jaws hit the floor.. How can someone be so ignorant!!!!It is already bad enough to do that with a healthy child, but to schedule a babies feedings and make CIO a child that has serious weight gain concerns? That is abuse IMO…  After the meeting she then talked to someone about Babywise.. gladly we pointed out how evil BW was and how warnings about the book have been put out because of babies failing to thrive because of the devil called "Ezzo"….  I really can't understand how people can actually think that that is an acceptable way of Parenting and don't realize how cruel it is… I mean you don't have be AP… but CIO, scheduled feedings etc are an abuse of power… kids are not objects….

On lighter note… after the meeting I commented to another mom there how much I loved her Baby wearing coat…  we started talking quickly about the babywearer forums and she asked who I was there… I said Paxye and she was surprised and said "you're paxye!.. THE paxye!" I was so embarrased lol… I forget at times that people read my blog and "know"who I am…. what is fun though is that she e-mailed me later on to get together one day.. Hopefully that can be soon… 

A few things…

First.. On Saturday I went shopping for some things that we needed in the house and before I left the mall I stopped in at the "Singer" store… right there… I saw it… A great. sturdy looking, cute little Serger with an amazing price… It started calling to me..

The price… 229$ Canadian…  It is a used machine but will be given to me in great condition and with a 5 year guarantee,and a free class… Furthermore, it can be traded in at anytime and will be credited the amount that I paid for it against a new machine…. 

I am so excited to get it and should be able tp pick it up today…  I have many plans for that little machine…


I am still waiting for my Babyhawk… another thing that I can't wait to get… I know that they got the material 2 weeks ago at the least so with the 5-10 days to make it and then send it it shouldn't be too long now… (I hope)


Well…. it’s done…

The blog is updated and running on a new database etc…

Things should be running smoothly and faster now… if there are problems please tell me…

The smileys look a bit wacky… I’ll try to fix them one day… 😉

WordPress 2.1

Well it was a rougher time than I thought to upgrade this time (I haven't had problems in the past)… though things were working they were not at their best and it just felt shaky… 

My server has an autoinstall feature for WordPress along with other programs and i makes upgrading a one button thing… no erasing and uploading etc…. however my blog was installed by hand so the update could not be done that way… however my test blog was easily upgraded….

So in hope of things being easier in the future I decided today to start again cleaner… it worked and things should all be working the same or better (though there are still a few things to still work out)… if you see any problems please tell me…  

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