8 years…

Yesterday was our 8 year anniversary… wow… I can’t believe that it has been 8 years already… then of course… that day seems as though it was an eternity ago…

My mom was here for two days to visit and when she actually showed up I realized that Simon and I could probably go out without the older boys… Khéna of course is too young to be left for an hour or two… so Simon and I went out with Khéna and went to the little Thai restaurant that I love. It was the first time we have been out to supper together like that in about 5 years… of course we had Khéna… but it is not the same…

After the restaurant we went to a little cafe for dessert and coffee and then walked around a bit before heading home… of course the boys were still awake and had just got out of the bath when we got home…

I was a great evening…

oh… Here is one of my gifts….

A new Ellaroo… the new ELSA… mmmm… chocolate coloured…

My new Ellaroo (Elsa)

My new BabyHawk!

I am a bit frustrated at the time it took (2 months!!)…

I e-mailed to ask about it a few weeks after I ordered it and they said that they had sent it a while before and it might have gotten lost in the mail… but she still had some of the material left… so they would make another… BUT they didn‘t have anymore of the other material that I asked for so asked if I could choose another…

A few days later I got the confirmation that they sent it (which I had not gotten before) and when I got it yesterday they had included the leftover material so really… they had lied that they had sent it before…

I am also pretty sure that I didn’t get the longer straps that I had asked for… but since I don’t know how long the straps are usually I don’t know yet… I e-mailed again today and I was asked to measure them but I haven’t gotten a response yet…

Here it is though, and though I am not too happy about the Customer Service right now, the carrier itself is gorgeous!!!!

My new Babyhawk
Cherry Paisley

My new Babyhawk
Alexander Henry (day of the dead)

on chocolate straps….

LLL meeting…

On Tuesday I went to a LLL meeting and I was so upset when I realized half way there while on the highway that I had forgotten my ER wrap… I felt so naked and panicked a bit about how I was going to wear Khéna.. I had a Maman Kangourou stretchy with me but the stretch isn't working well anymore with him and the Maman Kangourou is also too narrow for my liking… then I remembered that I had a scarf/shawl on me and I made a makeshift sling out of that, It worked out really well but I really missed my wrap the whole time…. 

The meeting was OK… a weird lady came in that had weight gain issues with her dd… at 5 1/2 months she was only about 10 lbs… she then talked about scheduled feeding and 12 hour nights and that she didn't want to change that because she had worked hard to get it that way….

I think we all heard crickets chirping and jaws hit the floor.. How can someone be so ignorant!!!!It is already bad enough to do that with a healthy child, but to schedule a babies feedings and make CIO a child that has serious weight gain concerns? That is abuse IMO…  After the meeting she then talked to someone about Babywise.. gladly we pointed out how evil BW was and how warnings about the book have been put out because of babies failing to thrive because of the devil called "Ezzo"….  I really can't understand how people can actually think that that is an acceptable way of Parenting and don't realize how cruel it is… I mean you don't have be AP… but CIO, scheduled feedings etc are an abuse of power… kids are not objects….

On lighter note… after the meeting I commented to another mom there how much I loved her Baby wearing coat…  we started talking quickly about the babywearer forums and she asked who I was there… I said Paxye and she was surprised and said "you're paxye!.. THE paxye!" I was so embarrased lol… I forget at times that people read my blog and "know"who I am…. what is fun though is that she e-mailed me later on to get together one day.. Hopefully that can be soon… 

CLSC visit and other babywearing stuff…

I went to the CLSC today to give information of Babywearing to the Nurses Committee… It was cool… I was a bit nervous but they were a great bunch and really made me fell good about being there… It was fun cause they were all ears, full of questions and loved every minute of it..
every single one of the nurses there was completely in awe with the carriers… there wasn’t even one that talked about anything negative… It was really great… All of the nurses are incolved with new moms on a daily basis so I really have my foot in the door now in the community…
I printed up some sheets on the Advantages of babywearing and gave them all a copy and I was even asked if they could pass along copies to moms so I know that I am going to get more calls soon..
What was really cool was that I told them of how I started babywearing, how much I love it and the primary reason that I want to share is because it is something that means so much to me… When one of the nurses asked where to buy them I then told them that I was the one that sells them in the region… and they all wanted to get my contact…
So each nurse is now armed with a buisness card, info on why mom’s should wear their babies and with a basic knowledge of the different kids of carriers… (pouch, wrap, sling)

I was also asked last week about presenting babywearing to a group of soon-to-be new moms at the Carrefour on Thursday… and I met the nurse that I will be doing that with…


On another note… I have been demonstrating with my Ellaroo and my Maya wrap lately… though I was only selling Maman Kangouroo stuff… However, so many moms love my ellaroo and my Maya wrap and asked about getting them…
A while back I got info about selling Ellaroo and finally got back in touch with the company… They now distribute a few Traditional carriers so I if I deal with them I can get my Maman Kangouroo wraps, slings and pouches, Maya wrap sling and pouch and Ellaroo wraps all from the same place from inside Quebec… so no border fees or exchange…
So I am now offering all three companies….

I am getting excited…. this is finally starting to really take off…


I’m giving my first baby wearing class… Finally there are going to be 4 people…
It’s not much but it is a start… I am all ready!

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