doc appt’s and bummis….

Yesterday we went to a Well baby visit for all three boys…. the boys hadn’t been in a year and a half so I though that I should bring them in as we were going for Khéna anyways…

First I stopped off to see my grandma and got a few pics with her and the boys.. well…. Colin didn’t want to so he’s not in them…

Isn’t she beautiful! She is 83 BTW 🙂

Great-Grandma, Xavier and Khéna

Great-Grandma and Khéna

We the headed to the doc… I don’t do well baby visits often since I don’t really see the point in them since the schedule is really only for vaccines and of course I am completely against routine vaxes, especially for young children whose immune systems do not stand a chance … but I want to make sure to keep our family doc and keep a good relationship with him since he is a great doc and Quebec has a shortage… the exams were brief as they always are, and he is great with kids… talking to them, playing with them, engaging them in conversation… and he said to come back next year with Xavier and Colin…

Khéna’s appt was pretty brief also… He had nothing to say about him being born at home unassisted, though he would have liked a “at birth” weight. He asked his permission to touch him and talked to him during the exam. Khéna was calm through it all… he asked about vit D and Vax and I told him that we won’t be doing them… he asked why… I told him… he said that he doesn’t agree but that it is my choice and left it at that… he doesn’t give vaxes in his office anyways so really it wasn’t a problem… right before he went to weigh him he mentioned the birth weight again saying that it is useful to know if he is gaining… I kind of smirked and said that I am pretty sure that there was no problem….

We got the scale and he understood what I meant… but… he wasn’t the 16 pounds that we thought (Simon weighed him on the bathroom scale on wednesday)… So yesterday, At 7 weeks 3 days, he weighed in at 17 lbs 4 oz…!!!!!! meaning that he has been gaining more than a pound a week! I couldn’t believe it… but then I can… he is heavy and rolly and oh so squishy!!!

Buddha Baby

After seeing the doc I went to one of my favourite stores….Bummis!!!

They have bins under the counters with things half price so I had fun picking out some new covers… for cheap!!

Here’s what I found… aren’t they great!!!?

Ow!!! that hurts!

This morning I got the bureau for the boys delivered… an old bureau that I found second hand on Monday… the men that brought it in moved the big rocking chair that I had in the front so that they had a clear passage to the door… they put the bureau in the boys room and then left but did put the rocking chair back… so I went to move it and underestimated the weight and it caught my big toe… it hurt but not too badly…. then within a second it started to hurt more… then I noticed that it had completely ripped off my big toenail and it was hanging by the tiniest peice of skin and there was quite a bit of blood..

So I cleaned it… and then wondered how I was going to bandage it, I have had nail problems in the past but that hurt like crazy!!! I mean… OUCH…. the skin under the nail is SO sensitive and I didnèt have anything on hand to clean it well… so I decided to call the CLSC line… (a nurse).. and the nurse said to go to the CLSC and see a nurse there and they will show me how to bandage it so that nothing sticks and also just to see the toe to see the swelling etc… So I packed up the kids went there and got that done… it actually went really fast and not only is nice and bandaged but she also gave me all of the suplies to do it myself…

anyways… now I am back home and the toe is throbbing and hurts like crazy still…

Psycho Doc strikes again…

So If you remember I talked about the psycho doc in the past… here and here

Well… a few times now I have gotten a few phone calls from moms that got really bad advice at the docs… and it was always her… her breastfeeding advice is horrible….
Anyways… A woman called me today and said that she is worried about her dd not gaining enough… the ped has her coming in every 15 days to weight her and is making her freak out… (guess who the ped is…)
Then of course she tells the mom that she has to switch breasts often because all of the protein in in the foremilk ???!!!! Tells the mom that at 10 weeks her dd should be sleeping through the night and should not have to eat at night and to just let her cry! Tells the mom that she is very worried about the weight gain (the baby was born at 6p 4 oz, went down to 5p 9 oz and was back up to birth weight in a week and now at 10 weeks is 9p 10 oz) she has the wet and dirty diapers, she has a good tone and is flourishing and is following her growth curb… nothing is wrong!! She also tells the mom to supplement… not at the end of a feeding of course, but at the beginning!!!
I have heard so many things about her… all from different moms and I experienced her too!! She tells moms that they have to Supplement until milk comes it if not baby will starve, not feeding at night by two months old, they have to use a paci if not the baby WILL die of SIDS etc…

It has gotten to be too much… I have had more then a few moms with problems and I have had the experience myself… so I KNOW that this doc is the problem…

So I called the center I volunteer at and told the secretary the problem and she was flabbergasted (she is part of the governing board at the center and had to get breastfeeding training also) and told me that she would pass the message along to the director and she would call me back… I know that the nurses union have already planned or had a meeting with this doc because of all the bad info and the director meets with them once a month so I know that this will go somewhere… I am just so mad!!! She seems really nice and so many people love her so I can’t imagine how many mom and babies are getting bad info and being made to starve and CIO from 2 months on!!!

* update…

The director at the center called me back and said to call the head nurse in charge of the family unit directly, since it would be easier and more precise (less heresay etc…)…

So I did, and I told her all my concerns and she was great… she took down the list and we talked a bit… she then said how she is going to go about approaching the issue without making a big deal of it so that the doc is not automatically on the defensive… first she is going to hand out the new WHO chart with the breastfeeding growth curb to “remind” her if she hasn’t seen it yet so that breastfed babies are looked at against a chart that is made for them….

Then, in a joking matter, she is going to say something like “can you believe that someone has been telling moms that babies should be sleeping though the night at 2 months” and then talk about how is can be detrimental to the nursing relationship/ mom’s supply etc… and she hope that it will open the way to other conversations about breastfeeding… It also seems that she was with the doc when she gave really bad advice to a new mom… of course since she is “just” a nurse she couldn’t say anything….

It seems that they really like the doc because she is good at finding problems that others seem to miss or can’t find… but her breastfeeding info sucks…
Personnally I think she Sucks!!!

well… it was a virus…

Xavier is feeling better but we were still wondering what he had had… Well… Colin got it now and is sporting a nice fever of his own…

Of course, with him I rather treat it then letting it run it’s own course as I usually do… If you have been reading my blog for a while you know that Colin rarely has fevers but the two times he has had one it has landed us in the hospital… (you can read about the second time in the “medical maladies” section)…

Anyways… besides a rough night last night and not wanting to be separated for more then a second today he is still in a good mood and I think that it won’t last as long as Xavier’s fever…

I am also starting to feel better…

ughh…. tired of being sick….

Last weekend I started a cold….

Colin then got it, Simon and then Xavier. Mostly it was just runny/stuffy nose….
Xavier’s nose started running on Tuesday but then he got a fever of 103-104 on wednesday and layed around all day, thursday, friday were the same… on friday evening I decided to give him a dose of tylenol just to get his body a break…

for three days he just stared into space, slept and watched TV…. Sat morning he was feeling a bit better and we went to the mall to get some shopping done… the fever hit again and he was just out of it completely… that night we gave him another dose to help him out… (he was still at about 104)… he played a bit outside sunday morning and again the fever came back and he fell asleep outside while watching me garden…. 5 days of feeling miserable is a lot… we decided to go to the ER… I waited for triage and his fever started going down… faced with an 8 hour wait with both boys I decided to go back home even though hey would have liked to check him out… today has been a ever free day but he is still pretty weak, not eating much but he is playing a bit more…

This morning however, I woke up miserable… I am tired and can hardly keep my eyes open, my nose if stuffy, I have a headache….

Ughh…. I don’t want to be sick anymore!

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