This morning I got the bureau for the boys delivered… an old bureau that I found second hand on Monday… the men that brought it in moved the big rocking chair that I had in the front so that they had a clear passage to the door… they put the bureau in the boys room and then left but did put the rocking chair back… so I went to move it and underestimated the weight and it caught my big toe… it hurt but not too badly…. then within a second it started to hurt more… then I noticed that it had completely ripped off my big toenail and it was hanging by the tiniest peice of skin and there was quite a bit of blood..

So I cleaned it… and then wondered how I was going to bandage it, I have had nail problems in the past but that hurt like crazy!!! I mean… OUCH…. the skin under the nail is SO sensitive and I didnèt have anything on hand to clean it well… so I decided to call the CLSC line… (a nurse).. and the nurse said to go to the CLSC and see a nurse there and they will show me how to bandage it so that nothing sticks and also just to see the toe to see the swelling etc… So I packed up the kids went there and got that done… it actually went really fast and not only is nice and bandaged but she also gave me all of the suplies to do it myself…

anyways… now I am back home and the toe is throbbing and hurts like crazy still…