Fever and fears…

In just a few days it will be a year since our whole ordeal with Wilhelmina began and six months since it ended. If you are new to reading my blog, here is a bit of the summary. In June of last year we went camping in New Brunswick and PEI and in our last few days in PEI, Wilhelmina started a fever and was vomiting. She then got better, then got worse, then better and worse. She stopped eating, she stopped drinking everything but from the breast, she was lethargic, she lost more than 3lbs and trips to the ER, and pediatrician were not finding anything. For more than three weeks I had a feverish and very sick little girl and she was only getting worse. Finally, the pediatrician demanded that she be hospitalized and the ER finally did different tests and finally found the problem.

She had a Kidney infection. But not just a kidney infection, her kidney was blocked and was filled with puss and was basically mimicking an abscess. She had pyonephrosis and hydroureter/hydronephrosis due to a congenital malformation of her right ureter. After a week of IV antibiotics, she was not getting better, the kidney was blocked off. She had surgery and had a nephrostomy tube inserted through her back, into her kidney and all that came out was puss. Within hours of surgery she started eating again, after a month of being able to eat a bite. You can read the whole ordeal in detail here. We stayed for another week in the hospital and then went home with the tube for three months while we waited for tests to make sure that her kidney was still functioning.

Then on October 4th, we headed to the hospital early in the morning for surgery. She was taken away from my arms at 7:55am and was wheeled into recovery at 4:30pm. The obstructed (malformed) segment was a lot longer than her Urologist would have thought (5 cm long)and he had to cut out much more than he thought he would have to. That made the remaining ureter too short, so he had to lift the bladder up and attach it to the muscle higher up so that so that it would fit. He also had to taper the ureter which was still 5cm in diameter, so that it could be reimplanted into the bladder and to make things harder, if all of that was not enough, the infection left scar tissue and damage all over. It was the longest day of our lives. .

Two very intense weeks in the hospital (you can read all about the surgery and stay here) and then we were home again. A few more tests and then finally in January a last test confirmed that everything was working well and we had a healthy little girl. It was over, but not forgotten.

A few days ago, Simon remarked that it being the same time of year and almost a year to the day, that it was bringing back bad memories and she better not get sick anytime soon because it would make him sick with worry. I was feeling the same way. Then during the night from Saturday to Sunday I felt she was hot. I got flashbacks of the feverish nights of last year. Her fever was on and off all day yesterday and then she started vomiting also, more flashbacks, more worry. I am not scared of fever, if it was one of the boys I would not even bat an eyelash, but I am scared of her having a fever that mimics her fever of last year, especially since she has not had a fever since her hospital stay in October. Yesterday I was panicking inside, knowing full well that even if it is an infection, it will not result in what happened last year…But, the head and the heart do not always meet.

During the night, she was feverish, vomiting and kept on going to the bathroom but nothing would come out and then this morning her urine was darker and a bit smelly. I called her urologist this morning and got a prescription for a urinalysis faxed over to the local hospital. Even if I had a horrible experience in the past, the results will go straight to her urologist, so I am less worried of using the local services with that knowledge. If something needs to be done, I have complete trust in him for this.

I hate feeling so afraid of such a simple and harmless thing such as a fever and hopefully we will be through it soon.

What a coincidence for it to happen now though…



Hummingbirds and bullfrogs….

We spent the day at the cabin on Thursday…

It was a gorgeous day spent with the kids and my mom and my grandmother…

This is the cabin, it belongs to my uncle but my mom stays in it each summer. It has no electricity and no water but it is very functional with a wood stove, a gas stove and a gas fridge…

The CabinKitchen...

My grandmother and my mom, fetching water for dishes

My beautiful 88 year old grandmother Fetching water for dishes...

In front, there is a small lake, very small but full of life with resident frogs galore…

heading to meet the boysWilla

This guy is one of the bullfrogs that hangs out on the side of the lake near the cabin…


Colin went to pet him and he didn’t even flinch and Colin actually got bored before the frog did..

Colin was very careful and was able to pet it...

He lazily got off the rock and headed to a lily pad that he was much too heavy for…

 a bit too heavy for the lilypad

Then swam away….

 swimming So long and graceful looking

and then stopped and started floating instead….


near some tadpoles that seemed to be conversing…



I also got some captures of the hummingbirds that come feed in the three feeder that my mom has. They come all throughout the day, starting early in the morning and they will come even if you are standing right near the feeder, so I got my camera and just stood there and within a minute of two, I had a subject…

These are red-throated hummingbirds and the only hummingbird found on the east coast…

Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

and a female…

Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird

We found butterflies, got bit by black flies, played darts, tended to the fire and just had a great day…

Eastern Tiger SwallowtailHobomok Skipperplaying darts...

Mamie, Mémé and Mina

Wilhelmina.. almost 2 1/2


AQED 2012

Saturday was the AQED (Quebec Homeschooling Association) Symposium.

When I saw that the Quebec author Leandre Bergeron was going to be speaking, I knew that I had to go!

Leandre Bergeron is an inspiration for me. Though I only read his book in the last few years, it was such validation to read someone living my ideal. He rarely speaks anymore as he lives quite far and is now 82 years old, so I looked forward to going to the conference and meeting him. About two weeks ago, I was asked to be an official photographer for the conference also, my only stipulation was that I would not be missing him talk, other than that, I was happy to do it.

I picked up my new camera on Friday evening… yes… I have a NEW camera… a Pentax K-5!!! and then went out for supper with a friend of mine and slept over at her house so that we could head out early in the morning.

The best way to learn a new camera is to dive into it and I could not have thought of a better venue to do so. My morning was spent taking pictures, talking to friends and even talking quite a few times to Jerry Mintz of AERO.

Jerry Mintz

Jerry Mintz / AQED Symposium 2012

Various pics taken during the day… To see larger just click on them…

Serge Mongeau /AQED Symposium 2012MarikeAQED Symposium 2012AQED Symposium 2012

GenevieveAQED Symposium 2012AQED Symposium 2012

Martine and CamilleJosé / AQED Symposium 2012Marie-Line / AQED Symposium 2012AQED Symposium 2012

In the afternoon I headed to Jerry Mintz’s workshop which was an hour and a half. Jerry Mintz is the director of AERO. Here is a great summary of AERO found on his site.

Let’s not reform education.
Let’s revolutionize education.

Let’s set aside the
decaying and decrepit schools
and education paradigms
of past eras and commit ourselves
to a new understanding of education
that recognizes humans as natural learners
and extends basic human rights to children
in their learning endeavors.

This magazine is committed to advancing the Education Revolution
by printing news and essays from around the world related to issues of alternative education
at the intersection of culture, power, and learning.

He started his workshop by teaching a few kids how to play table tennis, even though there was a language barrier, they had no problem picking up all of the basics and though a few people I think didn’t understand why he was doing it, and left, the rest of us were fascinated seeing the learning process.
Jerry Mintz teaching ping pong..
He then went on to talk about unschooling, democratic schools, free schools, Summerhill and so many more interesting ideas and projects. We asked him then if he could demonstrate a democratic meeting with a few kids and had a great stories about what he has done with the kids of his school including travelling the throughout North America and even getting to the Bahamas.
After his workshop/talk we headed to see Leandre Bergeron… Seeing him talk was as inspiring as I could have imagined.
Leandre BergeronLeandre BergeronLeandre BergeronLeandre Bergeron
Afterwards, we even talked for a while and I took a few pictures with him and Jerry Mintz with the AQED committee and I was able to get some for myself also.

Me with Leandre Bergeron and Jerry Mintz

What a great, inspiring day with friends, fellow homeschoolers and great minds.



Last week we went out on the bikes with our new bike trailer (I still need to take pics) and headed to the park and caught the most beautiful sunset…

I have mentioned where I live before, a little city about an hour out of Montreal, situated where the Richelieu river flows into the Saint-Laurent river. So if I go 2 blocks to the south, I have the Richelieu River and then about 10 blocks to the North is the Saint-Laurent. Though I miss the mountains that I grew up in, Quebec is also beautiful, and I know that I will miss it when we are gone.

This park is right on the Saint-Laurent and because we also have a port here, and we are up river from Montreal, there are often ships stopped or passing through.

This ship was passing through, most likely heading back to sea from being loaded in Montreal.

 Ship passing by...

The colour of the sunset was so strong that you can see the red reflections on the rocks…

Rocky shore

The boys headed down right away to play on the water edge, catching the waves from the ship that had passed minutes before…

Boys on the beach...

It was so calming…

Sunset on the Saint-Laurent

Sunset on the Saint-Laurent



Yes, I have been avoiding writing again. It is not that I don’t have tons of blog posts floating around in my brain, and it isn’t that I don’t ever have time to sit down and write, it is just because when I do sit down, the words simply don’t come out.

I feel like I am at a standstill right now. The house is still for sale, our plans are still active but nothing is going forward. I should be advertising the house more but I just haven’t for some reason. There are tons of homes for sale in my area and not many are being sold so I don’t think that it is just our house that is not selling at the moment.

Since things a not moving I decided that it would be nice to plant a few things in the garden and get the pool ready and just keep the normal rhythm and accept that we might have to leave it behind if it comes to that. With those things done it finally feels like summer is here, and that means that we are out enjoying the weather and doing things outside more. I have feeling down lately, so hopefully, thing are going to change a bit.

Another big thing for me is that I have finally touched up my CV. It is so hard to plan out a CV when I have spent the last ten years as a full time mom. What do you write? And yes, I am talking about a CV. I have a degree and I really do love being with people so instead of it just being Simon looking out for jobs, I thought it might be a good idea to do the same and whoever can get the best salary will be the working parent while the other stays with the kids. Though Wilhelmina is still so small, she is big enough that I don’t feel bad leaving her with Simon and the boys for the day, especially of we live in an area where home is close to work and the hours are actually not that long. I also know that Simon would appreciate the time at home also.

It is weird, when things were moving a bit too fast I was panicking and wondering what we would do… Now that things are at a standstill I am still panicking and wondering what we will do…

Hopefully, things will start moving again…


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