drawing and more…
In the last few weeks I have seen a big change in Xavier’s interests and the way he is looking at things…
First… He now sits down at the table and draws… out of his own accord…
Every few months in the past I would try to get him to do that and most of the time nothing came out of it… he would be frustrated that what he drew didn’t look like what he wanted to draw. I would get frustrated because I thought that he “should” be doing it and maybe even liking it but he wasn’t… I finally let go of that idea and just waited… The paper, crayons, markers and all of the other creative stuff were accessible he would use them when he wanted… or at least I hoped… and now he does… Our creative line that hangs in the kitchen was bare or full of old creations for the longest time and now it has all fresh stuff on it.. and there are now even a few drawings taped to the wall that Xavier put up…
Another big change in Xavier is eating… he is now trying foods that he has always turned his nose up to… Supper time has been a lot more fun and I love seeing him discover new tastes… Colin of course is going into the picky stage… but a weird one… he will eat Sushi and seaweed salad but won’t eat pepperoni pizza…
I go through phases of feeling that I need to do more than unschooling… I think a lot of it has to do with the lack of real-life support.. I truly believe that unschooling is the right way for our family though and as the kids grow older, because really even Xavier is still so young, I feel my confidence will grow.
For now… I am learning to relax, answer questions and let them discover… and though there are still many struggles to overcome for myself I love the path that we are letting them lead.