To our fellow Canadians of course…

Thanksgiving really marks the beginning of Autumn for me and I love Autumn.

The colours are changing, the air is cool and the leaves are starting to fall and it all just makes me feel homey. I feel like cooking hearty slow cooked meals, I feel like sitting outside with a warm cup of tea and watching the kids play in the leaves.

Last Friday we went to “La Courgerie” A pumpkin, squash and gourd farm with the local homeschooling group.

We took the Ferry and then it was a 15 min ride there. 4$ each gave us a tour of the farm and learning about the types of gourds and squash. A taste of products that they make there on the farm and the owner also showed us the some instuments made in africa that are made from gourds which all the kids got to hold and we all made music at the same time. We also went a picked pumpkins and then had a tractor ride around the farm.

oct 026

oct 028

oct 031


Tonight we are eating the Traditional Thanksgiving supper…

Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, maple glazed carrots, homemade cranberry sauce, stuffing and Pumpkin pie for dessert… Xavier is really looking forward to it all and has even made a centre piece with somethings that we found at the farm… including this one…
