Just one of those days…

The last few days have been gorgeous but I haven’t been outside like I would like to. I did go to a friends house yesterday and did get out of the house, but we stayed in her house while the kids played outside.

I just don’t feel like I have any energy. I feel out of breath and if I stand or walk for a certain amount of time, it takes days for the pain to go away. My SPD is taking over my life in many ways and it annoys the heck out of me.

Today is just one of those days that I am looking around and feeling like I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep though it. Though I have been living in this house for more than 5 years now, it still doesn’t feel like home. I hate the Decor, I am starting to hate the colour but there is almost no way we would be able to repaint at the moment… I just don’t have any ideas how to make this place feel more like home and of course being hormonal and in a nesting mode is definitely not helping.

Of course, not getting out is not helping the boys’ moods either… they seem to be feeling stir crazy and not wanting to play in the back yard. Though they don’t say anything, I know that I am not being very present at the moment and that has been making me feel even more in a rut.

I just feel… defeated.

Pregnancy Tea…

This is the third pregnancy that I have made sure to drink Red Raspberry Leaf tea through out the pregnancy…

I have been learning more about herbs (still need to get my hand on a good book though… any suggestions welcome!) and this time I have made a point of adding more herbs to my tea to add more nutrients and vitamins and of course the other useful effects that herbs can bring.

My home mixed Pregnancy Tea is made primarily of 3 herbs (though I will soon be adding a fourth as soon as I get to the store).

Home mixed pregnancy tea

Red Raspberry Leaf: One of the main reasons of taking RRL in pregnancy is that it strengthens the uterine muscles making labour more efficient. RRL is high in Calcium and Magnesium which helps relieve cramps and is also high in Iron, making it great for energy and anaemia. It also helps settle an upset stomach.  Taken after birth, it helps with bleeding, helps the Uterus regain tone and increases milk supply.

Nettles: Nettle is an amazing herb. It is rich in Iron, Calcium and Folic Acid which is very important in  pregnancy. It strengthens the Kidneys which reduces fluid retention, and also supports the vascular system which helps prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Taken after birth it can help with hemorrhaging and bleeding and also helps increase the milk supply.

Oatstraw: Oatstraw is another herb that is high in Calcium and Magnesium. It is also high in Vit. A, B, C and E. Oatstraw is known to help alleviate pain and has a calming effect on the nervous system which helps with anxiety and depression and also helps for a more restful sleep. It is also an herb that helps the immune system.

The next herb that I will be getting is Dandelion root.

Dandelion root is a great diuretic, helping to clean and strengthen the liver, kidney and gallbladder (though I no longer have the latter). It also replaces the potassium loss in frequent urination.

I put the same amount of each of the herbs in a Jar to make a large batch of loose tea that I can just take a bit of each day without any fuss. I boil my water, place 2 heaping tsp of the tea in a 1L Mason Jar and fill the jar nearly to the brim with the hot water…

pregnancy tea

I give it a quick stir (mostly because I love to see it swirl)


And then let it cool down… as I prefer to drink this tea warm or even cold… if I am wanting to drink it hot I add a tsp of my favourite “chunky fruit tea” to add a bit of sweetness to the flavour…and now that I am in the third trimester, I make sure to drink at least 3 cups of it every day…

I couldn’t find my tea sieve the other day (I have since cleaned out my tea shelf and found it) but I had an idea and used my Sprout Jar top for the tea. It works perfectly, cleans easily and I definitely will keep on using it… though I do only use it after letting the tea steep and cool down…

Sprout tops makes a great seive for loose tea

**The general rule for RRL in Pregnancy is 1 cup in the first trimester, 2 cups in the second and 3 in the third.  So if you make this, make sure that in the first six months you make the adjustment or made it separate from the rest of the herbs.

Of course this tea is not only good in pregnancy but is also great at any time, especially for women and their monthly cycles.

About 29 weeks…

I am now completely in the third trimester and I am feeling it…

My pelvic pain (SPD) is in full force and it is hard to turn over in bed without tears coming to my eyes and I am definitely waddling when walking… though I knew it was coming because it started a few weeks ago, it was on and off and still not too bad until now… I thought that last time it got worse later on but when I looked back at my pregnancy journal I realize that things are pretty similar to my pregnancy with Khéna…

Talking about the pregnancy journal, I am enjoying looking back at it… in some ways I wish that I would have done the same this time, but I am also not in the same place as I was last time and I am a lot more laid back about UPing…

Last time, I felt I needed to do something and realized around 29 weeks that it was pretty much useless… if something doesn’t feel right, it isn’t the little “checkups” that will tell me, it is what I am feeling at the moment that is important… but this morning when I decided to measure my fundus height for the first time in a few months and saw that I was measuring 34cm (about 5 weeks ahead) and it was reassuring to look back and see that at about the exact same time last pregnancy it was exactly the same… I am carrying quite differently (high and in) and this baby is flipping over all the time which is different for me also… Of course, I only did one more update after the 29 week one last time so I won’t be able to compare much anymore for another 6 weeks…

I just can’t believe how fast things are going… In 4 weeks it will be Khéna’s third birthday… 4 weeks later will be X-mas and then about 4 weeks after that there will be a new babe in our home and Simon will be starting his paternity leave…I am actually wishing a bit that I will go later as I did with Xavier and Khéna (I know I won’t be thinking like that at the end).

Because Simon will get 7 months of paternity leave, the longer the babe stays in, the more of the summer he will have with us…

We still haven’t done anything to prepare for the baby either…

I need to

  • buy a dresser (or put shelves up in the boys closet for their clothes) so that the baby gets the baby dresser…
  • Get the clothes out of the shed and declutter it, keeping only the minimum… (we have WAY too much)
  • Start making some meals for the freezer
  • Find my birth/exercise ball and inflate it
  • Prepare a basket for the birth and find my list of what tinctures to use when in labour
  • Figure out if I am going to encapsulate the Placenta and get the necessary tools I need for that if I do.
  • and of course there are probably a few more things that I forgetting about at the moment…

About 25 weeks….

Wow… things are moving and this belly feels like it’s popping…

I am feeling definite kicks now and Simon has felt the baby also which makes even more real…

Here are pics from yesterday…

Khéna and I

This baby is really sticking out right in front!

25 weeks


I was able to get a little sound clip of the heartbeat last week and thought that I would share… it is the first time that I have heard the heartbeat this clear in any of my pregnancies…

At first in the clip you hear the normal heart beat sound but then you start hearing actual thumping.. hearing the thumping noise in the doppler was really a first and I have to admit it was amazing to hear… which is why I had to get the recording…


Enjoy 🙂

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