Fried Chicken Sandwiches…

I was having a craving for some fried chicken sandwiches… the kind that you get at fast food places but better… These turned out even better than I would have hoped, they were perfect and everyone loved them!

Spicy Chicken Sandwich

I had 4 chicken breasts, so it made 8 sandwiches.

To begin with, cut a chicken breast in half horizontally. (So place chicken breast on cutting board, place knife on the side of it and cut with the knife parallel to the board)

Place the halved breasts in a bowl, bag or container and add 1 1/2 cup  buttermilk (or a mix of 1 1/2 c of milk with 1 1/2 tbsp of lemon juice).

Marinate  for at least 6 hours (overnight is better though)

Take chicken out of the Fridge at least 30 min before frying and in a container/bowl/bag put 2 cups of flour and the following:

  • 1/2 tablespoon paprika
  • 1  teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1  teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2  teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2  teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme

Dip the chicken into the Seasoned Flour and then place on a plate and if you want you can redip into the buttermilk and then redip into the flour for more of a crust.

Prepare Oil in a pan, I used my favourite Cast Iron Skillet and added about 1 1/2 inch of oil and heated it up to 325 using a candy/oil thermometer.

Fry the chicken for a few minutes each side until done and golden brown. (it took about 3 min on each side for mine) and place on a few paper towels.

Fried chicken breast for sandwich

Place on a bun with lettuce and Mayo and whatever else you like…

I love the spicy mayo on these kind of sandwiches so I made a  mix with Mayo and Frank’s Red Hot and it was perfect.

Spicy Chicken Sandwich

This is definitely something that I will be making again in the near future…

I have never had a Fried chicken sandwich that tasted as fresh and crispy as this, and of course, by making by own bread the cost of these are minimal…

Video games…

“When parents think a child’s interests are ‘stupid’ or worthless, the parent thinks less of the child.

When a child finds something stimulating and fascinating and the parent declares it worthless, the child thinks less of the parent.”

-Sandra Dodd

Video games are often given a bad rap. I know many parents limit their child’s time of playing because they see them as something bad, not educational or a waste of time. Other parents limit what their child is playing and only have “educational” games and the only goal is to make learning boring stuff somewhat fun… (I honestly have not encountered an intentional educational game that I consider fun or very well made)…

In our home, video games are not at all unknown and are not limited. I have a video of Xavier playing one of his first computer games when he was 2, it was a Thomas the Train memory game on the Thomas website… He had understood how to use the mouse long before that…

Xavier can spend his day in front of the computer, playing various games, it is what he loves to do and all we can do is encourage him and provide him with new games and new things to discover.

Colin and Khéna are not the same, they enjoy watching at times, but would rather do other stuff, though Colin does enjoy playing on the Wii and this weekend a new game on the computer has peaked his interest enough that he is learning how to use the mouse, but Xavier is our gamer at heart.

The thing is, Video games are a great way to get the brain working, and yes learning, even for us adults… The games that interest our family are mostly strategy games, Role Playing games,  games that have you creating and playing, Games that give you a challenge. These kinds of games are not at all mindless, you need to use logics and your imagination. We don’t own any “educational” games.

Primary learning, like math, reading etc are not directly addressed, but are learned in the background, without even knowing. And, as I mentioned in a recent post, it is because of Video games that Xavier learned how to read. In order to get the the next level, do the right thing in a strategy, say the right thing in a conversation he had to learn to read in order to play, to get ahead. We didn’t teach him, he taught himself. The game that helped him the most was the D&D games and Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii.

An argument that we often hear of course, is the argument that if the parent doesn’t limit the child then they would play *all* of their time of video games and would *never* do anything else. So, how is a child supposed to learn to self limit? Xavier does spend a lot of time in front of the computer, but he also plays with his brothers, goes outside, loves to go for walks or go other places with us. He goes through phases of playing more and then doesn’t play for a while after…

Along with not limiting how much time our kids can spend playing, we also don’t limit what they can play. Most of the games are rated for older than Xavier but that doesn’t stop him or us…

Two of the favourites in the home are Neverwinter Nights and Baldur’s Gate, Role playing D&D games. They are rated for teens, but I can’t seem to comprehend why… yes there is violence, you may attack goblins and and dire wolves in the forest, fight a dragon or even an evil wizard, what is the difference between that and fairy tales that are told to children every day?

Another favourite is Spore… Xavier actually wrote something on Spore last year for a homeschooling journal (well, he told me what to write and I wrote it) so you can read his review to know more about that one… we have also since gotten the expansion of the game that makes “Space Stage” more interactive. Often, Xavier spends his time, not just playing, but creating new ships and characters, often based on other things he is interested in at the moment. It is amazing what he can create.

Last week Simon discovered two new games that the whole family is enjoying. (One of them, I finished all the levels in a two spurts of playing). That one is called Crayon Physics. Here is a little video of the game:

The other is called World of Goo , I am on Chapter 2 at the moment and it is really addictive!

Video games are far from mindless activities that they are often seen to be. They are fun, innovative, spark the imagination, work the logical mind and even if they are not “educational” it doesn’t meant that nothing is learned.  Just taking an example of the above game, many might think that playing with wooden blocks is “better” than playing a virtual game. But what is being learned in both is the same, physics, hand eye coordination etc… the disadvantage of the wooden blocks is that the physical world has its limits. In the virtual world you are provided with the tools to build structures that are way more complex, to have more challenges and as you get farther in the game the challenges get progressively harder.

Video games are as much a tool for learning and fun than other mediums and I find it amazing what can be learned through them.

I am confident that if there is such an interest,  that there is only positive that will come out of it in the end.

Meal Plan for the week…

This week’s meal plan includes one of the Turkeys that I bought last week and will be made into three of the weeks meals, so with a few staples that needed to be bought (coffee, 10 kilo bag of flour, a few pounds of butter that were on special etc) I was still able to keep the total lower than usual at about 110$.

So here is what we are eating this week..

  • Sushi/Cheese Fondue (Simon is not a big Sushi fan so he has the latter and the boys have both)
  • Turkey supper (Turkey, crispy potatoes and gravy)
  • Samosas
  • Turkey Club sandwiches with homemade Ciabatta bread
  • Turkey and Dumpling Soup
  • Felafel on homemade Pitas

I see that I need to add a few more recipes here to share.. So I will make sure to take pics and share, especially the Ciabatta bread that take sandwiches to the next level, and the turkey dumpling soup that is one of the boys’ favourites. Making the Samosas will be a first time for me so I will share depending on the results, but I am pretty confident that they will be good…

Pregnancy Tea…

This is the third pregnancy that I have made sure to drink Red Raspberry Leaf tea through out the pregnancy…

I have been learning more about herbs (still need to get my hand on a good book though… any suggestions welcome!) and this time I have made a point of adding more herbs to my tea to add more nutrients and vitamins and of course the other useful effects that herbs can bring.

My home mixed Pregnancy Tea is made primarily of 3 herbs (though I will soon be adding a fourth as soon as I get to the store).

Home mixed pregnancy tea

Red Raspberry Leaf: One of the main reasons of taking RRL in pregnancy is that it strengthens the uterine muscles making labour more efficient. RRL is high in Calcium and Magnesium which helps relieve cramps and is also high in Iron, making it great for energy and anaemia. It also helps settle an upset stomach.  Taken after birth, it helps with bleeding, helps the Uterus regain tone and increases milk supply.

Nettles: Nettle is an amazing herb. It is rich in Iron, Calcium and Folic Acid which is very important in  pregnancy. It strengthens the Kidneys which reduces fluid retention, and also supports the vascular system which helps prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Taken after birth it can help with hemorrhaging and bleeding and also helps increase the milk supply.

Oatstraw: Oatstraw is another herb that is high in Calcium and Magnesium. It is also high in Vit. A, B, C and E. Oatstraw is known to help alleviate pain and has a calming effect on the nervous system which helps with anxiety and depression and also helps for a more restful sleep. It is also an herb that helps the immune system.

The next herb that I will be getting is Dandelion root.

Dandelion root is a great diuretic, helping to clean and strengthen the liver, kidney and gallbladder (though I no longer have the latter). It also replaces the potassium loss in frequent urination.

I put the same amount of each of the herbs in a Jar to make a large batch of loose tea that I can just take a bit of each day without any fuss. I boil my water, place 2 heaping tsp of the tea in a 1L Mason Jar and fill the jar nearly to the brim with the hot water…

pregnancy tea

I give it a quick stir (mostly because I love to see it swirl)


And then let it cool down… as I prefer to drink this tea warm or even cold… if I am wanting to drink it hot I add a tsp of my favourite “chunky fruit tea” to add a bit of sweetness to the flavour…and now that I am in the third trimester, I make sure to drink at least 3 cups of it every day…

I couldn’t find my tea sieve the other day (I have since cleaned out my tea shelf and found it) but I had an idea and used my Sprout Jar top for the tea. It works perfectly, cleans easily and I definitely will keep on using it… though I do only use it after letting the tea steep and cool down…

Sprout tops makes a great seive for loose tea

**The general rule for RRL in Pregnancy is 1 cup in the first trimester, 2 cups in the second and 3 in the third.  So if you make this, make sure that in the first six months you make the adjustment or made it separate from the rest of the herbs.

Of course this tea is not only good in pregnancy but is also great at any time, especially for women and their monthly cycles.

little update…

Both my grandma and Nala came out of surgery well…

My grandma’s surgery went very well, but it took a bit longer than thought for her to wake up. She was transferred to the ICU after a few hours and will be getting a room either today or tomorrow. My uncle was able to see her yesterday and though she wasn’t talking much, she was all there and just need to recuperate and recover now… He’ll go see her again this morning so later on I will have more news.

Nala’s surgery went perfectly and we picked her up after our Chiro appointment last night,  and she was completely awake and happy to see us… though she was walking a bit funny for the first few minutes home she was herself and was starving  even though they had given her a small meal there… we fed her and she ate a day’s worth of food without hesitation… She isn’t complaining at all but is very cuddly and is giving all of  us tons of cuddles and kisses… we just have to bring her back in two weeks to get the stitches removed.

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