Gooey Swiss Delice Brownies…

Years ago I found the best brownie recipe ever… The recipe is all over the web and called “Whatever Floats your Boat Brownies” because the base of the brownie is the same and you add “whatever floats your boat” to them…
I usually add chocolate chips but the only colouring/artificial flavouring free chocolate chips I can find are pretty awful and are not even real chocolate. So I haven’t made brownies in a while… until a few days ago…

I decided to make them and then remembered that I had a bag full of Swiss Delice chocolates in my cupboard that I bought at Costco. I love these little chocolates. They are creamy, chocolatey but not too sweet. I buy a large bag and keep some in my bag in case we want a treat when we are out.
I got a few out and unwrapped them and started to cut them into chunks… after about 30, I had the right amount to add a heap of chocolate chunks to the brownies.
OMG… these are to die for!

“Whatever Floats your boat brownies”

1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa (I use a dark dutch cocoa)
1 cup sugar (I use less, especially if I am using a sweet addition)
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt

1 -2 cups of whatever floats your boat (chocolate chips, chunks, candies, nuts, raisins etc)

Preheat oven to 350. Butter an 8X8 pan
Mix the melted butter and cocoa together, add the sugar and mix well. Add the eggs one at a time and mix in. Add the vanilla and mix and then add the flour and salt. Mix until the flour is incorporated but don’t overmix. Add whatever floats your boat.

(Swiss Delice Chocolates)
chopping up chocolate for brownies

Bake for about 25 min but don’t overbake… you want a nice moist crumb.

If you want to double the recipe, use a 9X12 pan and bake for about 5min longer.

Gooey Swiss Delice Brownies

Warning: these are addictive and will disappear fast…

I recant yesterday's post..

This morning, I went to pick Wilhelmina up and my back went out… I have had back pain before, I have never had that before. Except for maybe some of the back labour I went though, except that there are pauses between contractions. This just won’t stop.

It took all of my strength to get back into the living room from the bathroom. I called my Chiro and she said to get up and walk, and that she would come by the house. I took some Advil walked around and felt like I was in labour.

Xavier stepped up and made breakfast for the others and would pick up Wilhelmina for me when I needed help and was great help overall… it is such a great thing to have a big kid around.

The Chiro came over and massaged me a bit and then gave me some stretches to do. Simon came home early and I trying to move around and keep stretching even though my body is screaming at me to not move…

Needless to say, I had to cancel my workshops for tomorrow.

The next will be on the 4th of December.

Next Workshop…

Just wanted to give a heads up that I will be giving my next workshops at Melons et Clementines: in NDG this Saturday, the 20th of Nov…

The EC workshop will be at 11am and that will cover what EC is, how to start an answer any questions that might come up…

The Babywearing Workshop is at 1:30pm and will be an intro to babywearing and I’ll help those that already have carriers and need help using them…

When all else fails…

The burner that I use the most on my stove stopped working last week… I am starting to hate this range. I spent all November of last year without an oven, and with the water damage and holidays coming up,  I just don’t want want to deal with this right now…

So I ignored it. That didn’t work.

I called a repair man to see how much it would cost for him to see what the problem was… and then upon hearing the cost… I said I would call back… and I didn’t…

That didn’t work.

I looked online to find the problem myself and when I saw the prices that a new element would cost it made me almost faint… I decided to wish really hard that it would repair itself…

That didn’t work either…

So I did what any sensible person would do. I went up to it turned it on and when it didn’t turn on I got frustrated and hit it…

and guess what…

It worked.

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