new haircuts…

I finally gave two of the boys a haircut… everday I would think about it since their hair was getting in their eyes… Xavier didn’t want one so I’ll either get him another day…. or not if he chooses to have long hair again…

Here are some before and after pics…

Khéna... before haircut...

Khéna’s hair is a bit shorter than I wanted because he kept on moving….

Khéna... after haircut...

Colin before haircut...

Colin... after haircut

lost teeth…

Xavier has had a few really loose teeth for a while now…

Xavier... lose teeth...

under his finger was a tooth that has been near to falling out for a few weeks now (he was showing me that it could bend completely over)…. and the top tooth which used to be on the left (he lost the right one a few years ago when he knocked it out on the kitchen floor) has been migrating to the middle of the space for a few weeks has been so loose also…

well… today while eating lunch the bottom one fell out and then while he was playing outside with Colin the top one get knocked out!

It fell in the hill of snow in the front yard… (about 6 feet of snow) and though he and Simon searched for it for a while it was no where to be found…hopefully we will find it in the spring…


It just seems so weird at times when I realize that my kid is getting older…

old enough to be smiling at me like this now…

lost two teeth today!!

few new pics…

I realized that I haven’t shared new pics in a while…

Xavier won’t let me take many pics of him… so these are  from a few weeks ago….Xavier

another peice

He is a really cool kid and getting older and changing so much…

he loves video games and is really good at them… At the moment his favourites are Zelda for the wii and Spore…he is also a champ at wii boxing and he can beat pretty much anyone… He plays a lot with Lego’s and makes spaceships of all kinds…

He has lost a few teeth now and there are 2-3 that are loose and he should lose soon…his smile is so weird right now because of it…

the most amazing thing though is to see how all the information that he has been accumulating over the years is now coming together and making sense for him… and it just gets more amazing everyday…

I took these of Colin yesterday…



Colin is a such a sweetie… he is easygoing and fun… he is also a bundle of energy and agility… always running and jumping and tumbling and turning… I really would love to get him into gymnastics or circus or something because it is amazing what he can do with his body….

Here is a pic from a few weeks ago of him jumping up and down in the kitchen trying to see how high he could jump…

He is really into Star Wars and Indiana Jones… he loves his action figures and always has a few with him whatever he is doing… he also loves to play video games and his favs are Lego Star wars and Lego Indiana Jones…

and of course Khéna…



Khéna is a cutie… he is always cuddling and wanting to be with us… Like Colin, he sings almost all of the time… he is in a language boom and everyday he talks more and makes more sentences…

He looks up to his big brothers and follows them everywhere… he is very nurturing and very loving… and I love seeing the kid that he is becoming…


Work party…

Yesterday we went to Simon’s work party for families… It turned out to be pretty nice…

Last year wasn’t the best because of the location… it took a long time to get in, the space was small and dark and it just felt crowded… this year though the space was nice and everything turned out great…we got there early so we found a table and the boys went on the bouncy structures and didn’t have to wait too long for a few turns…

I wonder what Colin was thinking…

Then the santa clause arrived and the boys got all excited but had no problem waiting until we could get in line (it was by last name) and while we waited we helped ourselves to the buffet… and it was quite good also…

There were a few things that we couldn’t eat, but the boys had no problem with that and it wasn’t even mentioned on our part or on thiers… though I do know that Xavier noticed…

When they could go see the Santa…Xavier and Colin went to him and Khéna stayed in Simon’s arms…

The gifts are bought by age and are different for boys and girls and this year the gift were pretty cool… (last year we were not so lucky)

Khéna got a set of Crayons (the ones that are big and easy for kids to hold and can go on fingers) along with a colouring book and a wooden puzzle.

Colin got a wooden pirate themed “tock” game (simular to sorry!)

Xavier got a wooden model biplane to put together…

Anyway… the party was from 10am-1pm but since we got there before 10 and the structures were getting crowded we decided to leave at about 12… we were pretty close to the MEC which I had been wanting to go to for a while now so we stopped by there and then Best Buy for another set of controllers for the Wii that we are giving as a gift for the family at x-mas and then headed home…

We were home by 2:30 which was pretty good for having had a full day already and we ate leftovers so we were able to relax…

It ended up being a pretty nice day…

a few pics…

I spent all morning editing the pics I took yesterday of my friend Gen… they turned out so well and I can’t wait to show her… I am really pleased with them…

I do have a few pics of Khéna that I want to share from his birthday on Friday… we did things really quiet… ordered Pizza and got Sushi and I made a Carrot Cake…

It was just us… and it was perfect…

Sushi… at his request… really he is the one that said it…

Seeing his cake…

Blowing out Candles… he actually did it the first time so quickly that I didn’t get a pic so we did it again..

proud boy…

My two year old..

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