the scale is moving…

but I don’t really believe it yet…

Not expecting to attain my first goal so soon, I let it go by without noticing, or acknowleging it…

I started my weightloss journey at what I thought was about 240 pounds around xmas… I started to swim in feb and started getting serious about losing in April… By then when I would get on the scale I could sometimes get it to read 228… Then I got the new scale and really I was 13 lbs heavier… Meaning 241… Which in turn means that I started off my journey at 253…Almost the same weight as I was before I lost weight before getting pregnant with Xavier…
So… With knowing my real weight my first goal became to get down to where I thought I was before getting a better scale… 228… I was nearly there about two weeks ago and thought about being so close…but then I got AF and my weight stayed up a bit…and l though I weighed myself, i didn’t really register the weight… Until I weighed myself the last few days and I am now at 223…5 lbs less than my first goal and down about 30lbs from the begining of the year… I am feeling great and i am starting to notice a big difference.. So first goal done!…next goal is 208.. My lowest adult weight to date…. Just 15 lbs to goal!! I can’t believe it… though i am starting to see the difference in the mirror..

music to swim to…

I have been swimming 2-3X a week now for the last few months… it is something that has now become a habit and if I miss a usual night I feel a bit weird… like there is something missing…

Not only have a gained more strength in the pool and can now go the 55 min that I swim with minimal breaks I have also gained more energy out of the pool (when I am not in the midst of AF of course)… I have also been able to shed a few pounds and inches which also feels amazing… and I am not going to stop… When I look at the numbers I have lost about 20 pounds since the beginning of the year and about half of that in the last month and half…

The only thing about swimming is that is pretty boring… I mean going from one side of the pool to another and only hearing the splashes of those around you because the of the training sessions in the next lanes over… at least when the pool is quiet the quiet is relaxing but this is not the case at this pool… So when Simon talked to me about getting me a gift for Mother’s Day that meant that I could listen to music while swimming I got really excited… what he was originally looking at was a water proof case and earphones for the player I have now but I took over the search and found what had the best reviews albeit a bit more expensive… So, around Mother’s Day I bought this…

Finis Swimp3 v2

The SwiMP3 V2 Waterproof MP3 Player allow you to enjoy incredibly high quality audio while swimming!

The SwiMP3 V2 is a fully waterproof MP3 player that uses a unique system of sound transfer to provide you with incredible sound clarity under water. Standard players transmit sound through air and water, causing you to hear only muffled noises and poor sound quality. The SwiMP3 V2 uses “bone conduction” – sound travels from the cheekbone to the inner ear to give you excellent sound quality — in fact Beethoven used this same technique after he became deaf to compose music by placing his head on his piano. Bone conduction technology is a safe, and has been used in military headsets.

So… I bought them from the US (link above) for 100$ less than what I would have paid in Canada… and it took about 10 buisness days to get it… which means that I got it today…

So I loaded a few tunes on it and headed out to go swim and yeah… I might look a bit weird but it was so cool to be able to listen to music while swimming…

I got stopped by a few fellow swimmers who even tried it out and thought that it was the coolest and I think one or two of them might order their own… Anyway… like the description says, they use bone conduction.. so when you are out of the water and it is against your cheekbone you can’t hear anything really but once you get your head in the water and start swimming the sound is amazingly clear and they are really comfortable so you don’t even feel them…

and my swim today… went by fast and easy….

So… I got to ask… what is your fav music to get moving to?

and here we go again…

no I am not pregnant 😉

but today… just a few days shy of Khéna being 17 months I got my first PPAF… (Post-partum “Aunt-Flo” for those that are not familiar with the lingo)

With the firt two boys I got my PPAF at about 9 months… when they started to walk and nurse less in the day and started eating solids… With Khéna though, he did not slow in nursing at all when he started milestones… he didn’t have those normal periods where he was more wakeful at night either…

But slowly, he has been nursing less and when I got really crampy and irritable at the begining of the week, I knew that it would not be long…

the bloating could also be a reason that the scale showed so much of a difference as today I am now 5 lbs less then I was when I weighed myself on Wednesday…

Though I do and did enjoy the time that I don’t have to go through the monthly rituals… I do have to say that being able to start charting again and knowing what my body is doing makes things a bit easier for me…

Maybe one day I would like to have another child but I don’t think it is the right time at the moment… I want the boys to grow a bit before…

well… that was a bit depressing…

So… I knew that my scale was not reliable at all…. it was giving weights up to 5 lbs in difference each time I stepped on it…

So I went and bought a new scale last… and well… depressing as it is… I am 13 lbs heavier than the old scale was telling me …

I was already discouraged… when I saw that I felt a bit depressed…

However… today, looking at it…  It will be OK…
It is just a number and though I am farther from my goal than what I thought… I rather know now than if I found out after one of my mini-goals and found out that I really wasn’t there yet… at least this way I know where I really am and I know what I need to do to get where I want to be…

Honestly, I think that I need to eat a bit more… I got some great feedback and it made me realize that because I am a bit heavier than I thought and I am getting more exercise… then I might not be eating enough… and if that is the case I my body might be in  “starvation mode” and hoarding the fat instead of letting it go…

So… I will just keep on going… I really want this…

A bit discouraged…

Swimming is doing great… I am getting stronger and I am building endurance. I can go longer without stopping to take a break and breathe..

I have been journaling what I eat and I have been staying within my “limits” which isn’t that hard to do actually because there are not many habits that need changing though I have been keeping my eye out a bit more on portion sizes…

I do feel like I have more energy… which feels great…


I step on the scale and there is no change.. My measurements don’t really seem like they are changing either… I do think I need a new scale though because every time I step on it I get a different number but the lowest number is not really going down…

It is hard because though I think I know that the changes I am making are great for me, I would have liked to start seeing results…

It is just hard to not get discouraged…

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