so… I went swimming…
and I overdid myself the first day, I think I was a bit over enthusiastic… I did about 20 laps and by the time I was getting into the car I was already sore… I was sore most of the night but wasn’t too bad the next day… just a bit tender…
I went again on Tuesday though and went a bit more slowly… I did about 12 laps… half of those were free style and then the rest were swimming on my sides, backstroke, underwater and using the kickboard to give my arms a rest…
Yesterday I didn’t go… mostly because I would like to get a new pair of goggles before I go again… my eyes are really sensitive to the chlorine and the goggles I have keep on letting water in on one side… which is not only bad for my eyes but really annoying… Of course I can’t expect too much of them after having spent most of last summer in the sun or at the bottom of our own pool because the kids kept on throwing them in… I want to go get a new pair today though because I want to again tonight… I think I would like for the family to come with me also… since half of the pool is for free swim while two rows are reserved for laps…