We tackled the playroom today… and when I say tackled… I really mean it…

We have a lot of toys… too many toys in my opinion..

I have been avoiding that room for longer than I would have wanted because it was so bad…

A while ago I did a purge and we cleaned up the playroom but we didn’t purge enough and slowly (or quickly) the playroom became a mess again… a soon it became an unusable mess…  toys all over the floor and we really couldn’t walk in there… Simon would go clean up every week but it was hard because there was just too much stuff… and of course, the messier it became the less the boys wanted to play there.

I almost wish that we would have taken a picture…

Anyway… today we spent about 3 hours in there today. Decluttering toys to put away, throw out or give away… We rearranged furniture and made the space so much more usable and it will be a lot easier to keep clean because there is less toys and more space and it will also be a place to play for Khéna because really he hasn’t been able to play in the playroom often because of the mess…

So… slowly but surely the house is becoming less cluttered… we still have a lot to do but it is really helping us to keep the house clean which means that weekends are becoming more of family time…