Dr. Google is not your friend.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, Colin was feeling run down on Halloween and was not his usual self. He was better on Thursday but was still laying down in front of the TV most of the day. Yesterday he was again tired and then started to complain about a stomach ache. When Simon got home, Colin mentioned that he had a stomach ache and Simon got all worried which in turn made things much worse. There are times that I feel like I may be a bit cold, but I know Colin. He is so sensitive, that if we slightly overreact then he will spiral and he gets scared and of course that makes the pain worse and he gets worse.

I calmed him down and he settled on the couch and had supper. He then had a bath and when he got out of the bath the cramps came back again and he was doubled over in pain. I went into the bathroom with him and talked to him and he just started to talk about all of his fears. What if it was his Kidneys? (like Wilhemlina last year and my father this year) what if it was his liver? (like my step-dad who died when Colin was 3 months old) or his stomach (my grandmother had stomach cancer recently) and what if… what if…

The more he talked the more he scared himself and he soon started hyperventilating and was in even more pain. He asked if he had to go to the hospital. (knife insert heart here)

I told him that he would be OK and that he just needed to relax and breathe and calm down and just explained that the more he panicked, the more he would hurt. He asked me how I knew that he would be OK… and all that I could think of saying is that a mom knows. I explained to his that last year, when Wilhelmina was sick I just knew that there was something wrong even though the hospital and doctors weren’t finding anything. I just knew. And though it was so hard to see him like that last night, I also just knew that he would be OK.  I brought him down stairs  to his bed and talked to him and reassured him and he quickly fell asleep.

I went in the sewing room and before long I heard him wake up, again in pain and again breathing fast and getting stressed out. After about 20 min, I was able to calm him down and then help him fall asleep again and I went to the computer to do a search for maybe an idea of what it could be. Big Mistake! I am not one to worry easily and I am not a hypochondriac but looking up something on Google will make anyone start to doubt themselves and fear the worse. Google is not a way to get simple advice or reassurance. I started to panic a bit even though I still knew deep down that there was nothing wrong, but my quick search had completely put me on edge.

I posted a quick post on my Facebook fan page and had a few comments and luckily the post was seen by our friend Jody (where we had the Halloween party last week) She quickly said that it was the same thing that sent them to the hospital with their daughter in the last week and that her son, Colin’s best friend, was going through nearly the same symptoms.

After talking with her  a bit and comparing stories, I felt better. He was not alone and they were experiencing similar things on the same days when they had seen each other 6 days before. I went to see Colin and he was no longer clinging his stomach and sleeping restlessly, but was on his back, totally calm and sleeping peacefully. I breathed a sigh of relief and went down to bed myself not long after.

Today, all is well and he hasn’t even complained once and is his normal jumpy self all full of energy.




Do you go to Google when something is wrong? Have you ever felt more panic because of a simple google search?

Halloween 2012

Some pictures from Halloween…

Xavier was a Creeper from the popular computer game Minecraft… and Colin was Iron Man… both of the costumes were made from boxes, covered in paper and held all covered in 3 rolls of packing tape…

Xavier - CreeperIron manCreeper attacking Iron Man


Khéna was a UN Peace keeper and Wilhelmina was a rainbow fairy one day and a blue fairy the next…


Khéna the Soldierlittle rainbow fairyMina

Over the weekend we went to our friend Jody’s house for their annual Halloween party which was great as usual. The kids played in and out and expored he haunted graveyard in the back yard… it is great!

The Haunted GraveyardThe Haunted Graveyard

We were wondering along with many if we would be able to go out on Halloween this year and luckily for us we had warmer then usual (very humid) temperatures with only slight periods of drizzle. We also had two coughing kids and one kid that was feeling under the weather so we made the evening shorter then usual. All was fine though and the kids were getting tired and at the end of their energy by the time we arrived home.

Halloween 2012

Wilhelmina had no hesitation at all going up to the houses all by herself, we didn’t go up to a door with them at all… It was adorable, she would head up to the door and say “Trick or Treat” and then say thank you and then flutter away shouting out “Happy Halloween!” and then come show us what she got. Khéna was on double speed the whole evening… he would be the first one at the door and the first one back and ready for the next. Colin was a bit under the weather and was lagging behind most of the time and was ready to be home by the fifth door we went to. Xavier had some costume issues… even with his head off he couldn’t see the stairs and twice fell down… Luckily the box was also great padding and he would just joke and laugh because he couldn’t get up again…

nearing the end...not shy at all

We got home and dumped all of the candy on the table. Xavier meticulously read all of the ingredients and we all sorted the candy into two piles… a very large “what we can’t eat” and a very reasonable pile of what we can which ended up being mostly only chocolate and chips… we handed out some of the “what we can’t eat” to some late trick or treaters and then closed up for the night and everyone fell asleep quickly and soundly…

Our PumpkinsOur Pumpkins

Nablopomo 2012

I have decided to do it…  For the fifth year in a row, I am going to blog each day for a whole month.

Well… I will try my best! I really find that it is going to be a challenge this year… Actually, I guess it seems to be a challenge every year, but I have always completed it by the end of the month, so I know I can do it!

NaBloPoMo November 2012

And to start off this brand new month and this new challenge, I have decided to give my blog a fresh new look. There are still a few little things that I need to work out, so the blog might be a bit buggy for the next day or two while I work on those issues, but for now, I am loving the way it looks! What do you think?

I would love your opinions of what you would like to read, or what features you would like to see with the new look.

Is Anyone else doing Nablopomo this year? Share your link in the comments…

Back in the sewing room…

When we decided to sell the house last february and had a few visitors come see the house, my sewing was put on the back burner. My sewing room became a storage room for things that I was wanting to sell and I thought that I would need to start packing up sooner then later, so I didn’t want to start on any new projects anyway. The longer things dragged on, the more things accumulated and the task of clearing the space and getting back into sewing was a bit depressing and overwhelming. A few weeks ago though, I finally decided that I was going to do it. One day, luckily on the “oversized items” garbage day, I decided that the old oversized TV unit that was holding my fabric quite messily was going to go. I emptied it onto the floor and I asked Simon to help me take it to the curb.

What was left in my sewing room was a total mess. I should have taken a picture but even i didn’t want to see it. That is when I emptied two of my shelves on my bookcase which prompted my post on stuff, as the shelves that I emptied was full of magazines that I was having trouble letting go of. I was able to place all of my fabric on those two shelves but was still a bit overwhelmed by the rest of the mess.

Over the next two weeks I did a little at a time and then yesterday, I finally pushed through the last bit of e mess and am now so happy of the space. Though the space was not yet done last week, just the potential of it already had my creative juices flowing, and I decided a few days ago that I was going to finish the quilt I had started making for Wilhelmina last year so that I can give it to her for either Xmas or her birthday. I can’t believe that it has been sitting there waiting for me for nearly a year and half. I started on it when Willa was just over a year old and then with her being a toddler and into everything I slowed down, and then her health issues last year and everything else, I just never went back to it…

Now that I started sewing again, it feels so good! I love being at the machine! I just go into my own little world and it is so relaxing.

I am also thanking myself for what i had already done. I might have let the sewing room get out of control but I didn’t let my things get out of order. My plan was still on the wall where I had easy access to it, all of my fabrics were together and prepared, I had pre-cut most of my fabrics and stitched together my dresden flowers so that I wouldn’t lose any of the pieces. (actually, I did that a few months ago because I didn’t want to lose any pieces if we moved) and basically, I proved to myself that I can actually be very organized.

Yesterday, I finished piecing together the squares that will be around the center… I had already done three of them but finished the 7 that were left… These are the images from last year, but they still look the same except that I have also quilted the sash between the blocks.

Today, I finished one of my dresden flowers that will be one of the four corners. The flower itself was already sewn, I just needed to cut the fabric it would be on, cut the backing, make a “sandwich” with the batting, press it, pin it, sew it, make the center and quilt it..

I have three more to go but if I can do a bit each night I could hopefully be done my major components by the end of the week. After that I need to decide how I am going to quilt it. Another thing that I did today was make a few scrap “quilt sandwiches” which I practiced my freehand quilting on. I am still not at all comfortable doing it but I do love that even though I make mistakes, with the pattern that I am practicing, you cannot see the mistakes unless you really look for them. But of course, doing a practice run and actually putting the foot down on my hard work are two very different things.


Earthquakes and other things…

First… we had an earthquake a few days ago… OMG!! I know that it might not be much for others but the epicentre was not too far away and it measured at  4.5 and lasted at least 15 seconds… For some, that is nothing, but when you are not used to earthquakes and don’t expect them, it is something to talk about. It was Simon’s first earthquake and my third, it is really not something that we expect to feel so it really took us by surprise. It was just after midnight and I was still awake and Simon was just coming to bed from having fallen asleep with the boys. We heard a big bang and it sounded like a truck was scraping the road and our bed was shaking. Our bed is on the floor in the basement so it really should not be shaking! Simon got up and looked out the window and of course saw nothing and it was then I said it must be an earthquake.. I went on facebook to see if I was the only one and wrote an update and within seconds saw many more that felt the same. Facebook was buzzing way before the news actually hit.

Again, for some that experience earthquakes on a regular basis, a quake of 4.5 is nothing and may not even hit the news, but for people that don’t expect it and almost never have experienced it, it is something that is quite unnerving and unexpected!

In other news, though I haven’t had any sales from my site yet, I have two sets of cards that have gone. One, is my mom… does that count? The other is to one of Simon’s co-workers. He brought some to work and just placed them on his desk without mentioning anything and one of his co-workers inquired about them and took a set, while others took my business card. It is a slow start but I feel confident that things will start picking up soon enough. I got a call this week from a restaurant near me inquiring if I would like to advertise with them (I would have done it,  but their minimum was a year and was a bit more expensive them I was ready to pay and we want to be gone in a years time and they didn’t have any options with less time/money) but the fact that they called me and that they heard of me from somewhere is something!  I also got an inquiry about portraits that seemed quite positive,  so I have a feeling that things might be moving soon.

In the same news type of news, I decided to get a new lens. Lenses are expensive, especially good ones, and the thing about this lens in that it is great for portraits but the fully automatic version is over a thousand dollars which I do not have. However, there is a manual lens that is at a great price and I decided to go for it… and have not been disappointed. Being a manual lens means that it is a lot more work, and there is a big learning curve, but I have been so happy with the results after much trial and error.

Here are a few shots…

Maple Leaves

Red on blue

Oak leaf


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