Support…part 2…

Well, as I said in my last post… we are starting a homeschooling support group in our area. We are at the moment 5 families that homeschool…

However, I am the only unschooler.

The first meeting was last week… we went to the house of the seasoned homeschooler so that the “newbies” could ask questions and see her material. She is not only a homeschooler, but she loves collecting homeschool curriculum, books etc and is even starting a library in which people will be able to borrow material from her to compare different curriculums before buying. So, in her house downstairs she has a classroom set up (a large table for her kids surrounded by bookcases, posters a teachers desk etc…) and she has so much stuff… too much…

The other mom’s were loving looking at everything, asking questions, comparing stuff….  though my friend Isabelle was a bit overwhelmed by it all…

As for me… I was dissapointed by the meeting. I don’t want to talk about curriculum and what kids “need” to know by what age… I don’t want to talk about the logistics of how to school at home. Half the time I was there I could not relate at all to what the concerns were… the rest of the time the colourful workbooks had me wishing that Xavier was interested in that stuff…

I am going to tough it out a bit but I am a bit worried that it will not only be what I don’t want in a support group, but that it will make me doubt my choices and beliefs.

new found support…

ok… a few things I forgot to blog about…

A few weeks ago I went to my first homeschooling support group meeting and it was pretty nice.. the problem though is that it is a bit far (about 45min/1 hour away)… At the moment that doesn’t matter for me though.

The group seems to be a eclectic bunch… a few the lean towards unschooling or unschool, a few that are a bit more school-at-home…  It will be nice to have some planned activities, To get out with other homeschoolers and meet up with other parents that homeschool. I think that the kids will like that also, especially seeing that other kids don’t go to school and it is not only him…

I told my friend Isabelle on that Thursday about the group and how I enjoyed it and how we had planned activities for the upcoming year and how there are a few moms near here that are now HSing and how we are thinking about starting a group…

Anyway…. Her dd had told her that she didn’t want to go back to school… (she went to K last year and was due to start G1 on the following Tuesday) and when I talked to about that she again told me how much she wanted to homeschool and then asked me tons of questions and then I said that I would share some links…

Well, on the Sunday night I got an e-mail from her saying that she is taking the leap and is going to start HSing…

She was the first real friend I made when I got here, we have very similar parenting values and I find it so exciting that we will be able to support each other…

Melted Crayons…

I read about this on a message board so I decided to give it a try…

Started the oven at 300F and started filling 4 muffin cups with broken crayons… 10 minutes later the crayons were melted… we watched (or tried to watch) though the oven door to see the crayons melt and Xavier thought it was cool…

Then we took them out and looked at them a bit before we put them in the freezer to set…

They looked really cool but I am not really hapy with the way they turned out… I am not sure that it was because the broken crayons were cheap… or we did something wrong but they didn’t colour much…

It was still a cool experiment though… and I think that I will be trying again with some good old crayola’s…

may 206

Schools are for Fish…

Thanks Ania for the link to these!!


“Go to your local public school, walk down the hallways
and see what behaviors you would want your child to emulate.”

-Manfred B. Zysk



“By breaking up topics into age-appropriate subjects as schools do,
learning is divorced from real life, and therefore limited.”

-Sara McGrath

(and of course you can read Sara’s blog here)

I hope there are more of these…I love them!!


what they don’t know they know…

Every once in a while my mainstream schooling propaganda mind gets hold of me and I try “schooling” the kids by asking what certain numbers are etc… Xavier hates it with a passion and not only will he not tell me, he gets uninterested and almost gets upset and just says that he doesn’t know… I learned my lesson and don’t do it anymore, but then my brain starts asking if he is really learning…

then out of the blue he surprises me… he can do simple math… addition and subtraction… he knows that 2+1=3… though he doesn’t know that he knows it yet and would never admit it…

I got a game installed on the computer a few days ago that I didn’t know if it would interest him or not… it is an older game… I think 2001 but it is not really dated… “The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions”… pretty much the goal of the goal is to do “something”… it can be to get a mouse to his cheese or a bowling ball into a basket… to do what you have to do, you have to build a contraption… you use ropes and pulleys, springs and generators, gravity etc… it teaches you how gears work, how ropes and pulleys can work, how somethings are heavier than others…


I started to play the game and naturally Xavier sat down next to me and watched… then while I was up and doing something he decided to play and was really good… we went back and started his own game and now he is advancing though the levels… today as Simon sat down next to him and he started a new level he pointed out how many of each thing that he had for that levels contraption… (eta… it is shown by having a small number next to each picture)
He is learning without knowing it and applying what he is learning seamlessly and unconsciously… this is the way that he learns best… It makes me proud that we can provide that environment for him…

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