a few things I love about life learning…

No schedules…

I love not having a schedule… I love that the boys can have their own rythms and be either early or late sleepers/risers depending on their own biological rhythms… I love not having to get up in the morning at a set time and having to get all the kids ready to bring one to school… I love eating when we are hungry instead of because it is just “time to eat” and doing whatever we want whenever we want…I also love that when we do activities we can do it in the week when things are often cheaper and a lot less busy…

Less stress…

Not having schedules and deadlines, homework or pressure to perform among many other things makes our lives a lot less stressful… there is no expectation to know things because they “have to know them” and then know failure if they are not ready… nor are they held back from learning things because “they are not at that level yet”…

we live… we learn… we play and we take everyday as it comes..


Not having kids in school means that they are not coming home with bad habits picked up from other kids… they are not in eternal competition with other kids wanting to have more or better stuff… There is less peer pressure… and again less pressure to perform… also…  age is not a seen as a barrier… friendships can be sparked with younger kids or older kids and even adults…

In the end they will know more…

I trully believe that in the end my children, and those able to learn at their own pace will know a lot more than most public school kids… and I am saying this because having gone through the public system myself and talking to others over the last years… and as recently as a few days ago,  the trend is to get the best test scores and “get things over with” only to be able to forget it the next day because often you will never see the material again… I learned a lot more when I persued my own interests then when I was in class… and I believe that in the end my kids will do the same…

Great list…

Amanda shared this link on her blog…and I thought it would be great to share here also…

How to screw up Unschooling

I had seen it before but had forgotten about it… and like Amanda said she will do, it is going up on my wall also…

I condensed the list slightly because there are some things that come naturally, some things that don’t pertain to us at the moment and even a few things that I might not 100% agree with…

but overall it will be a good visual reminder at times that I might need it…

So what is new…

Well… first… I have signed up for NanBloPoMo so I have the challenge of writing a blog post per day for the whole month… So expect a lot of posts in the next 30 days…

what I realized though is that I haven’t given an update in a while…

The boys are on a video game kick at the moment… Lego Batman, Lego Starwars and Lego Indiana Jones are big hits along with Spore… Colin is more into the Lego games while Xavier is having SO much fun creating creatures and spaceships in spore and having his creatures live and evolve.. and I have to admit that I am enjoying that game also…

Colin has also been having fun on Starfall… not long ago he did not catch how to use a mouse nor did he have much interest in the computer… not like Xavier who was great with the mouse at 2… but when he caught on, he caught on quickly and frequently asks to play the “letter game”… and well he is good at it also… I have a feeling that he will be reading sooner than later…and the funny thing I find is that as much as Xavier wants to hide that he knows more than we think… he corrects Colin and reads things for him when he thinks we are not listening…

As I have said before though… he doesn’t like to show off what he knows if he doesn’t think that he can do it according to his own standards… So I have a feeling that he will not admit that he can read, or sit down with a book until he is certain that he can… yes… I am admitting that Xavier rarely, or almost never looks at books…  but as I have been learning myself… books are not the only places where words exist and they have plenty of time to fall in love with books…

Another thing is that Xavier and Colin are fighting a lot less… they play together a lot more often, and make up scenarios, plan things and talk about things… they are not just brothers but they are also friends…

And Khéna… well he is growing and changing and becoming such a little man… I am realizing everyday that we no longer have a “baby” in the house… he follows his brothers everywhere, wants to have everything like them…but he also plays by himself a lot and has been doing a lot of pretend play… he loves to take care of his “bibi” (baby) and walks her around the house in a stroller and brings her to me to nurse… it is so cute! he is starting to talk a lot more and using more words to communicate everyday… he is such a little sponge…

I need to get out more…

With the price of Gas in the last year being so high I have not been going out as much…

Montreal is the place to be for homeschooling in Quebec. But Montreal is about 90 km away… about an hour driving or more depending on the location… Which means that as the price of gas went up I went out less and I am feeling more and more like we are missing out on stuff… There are groups that get together on a regular basis, that do things and go places together… that just hang out and talk at least once a week etc..there are also English home schoolers/kids there… which is something I think that the kids need…

Of course, the price of gas is not the only reason I don’t get out much… I am a homebody… I like to be at home… and sometimes going out with the three kids was a lot of work and it was not something that I looked forward to all of the time… but as the kids get older that is changing. Xavier is getting to be less intense and the other two follow more…. It is actually getting fun to go out again…

So I have decided that we are going to change this… I need to change it… so I am going to be joining the Montreal Homelearners group every week…. They meet on Thursdays at 11am-3pm which means that we don’t have to leave the house too early to get there and we don’t have to come back in the dark and we can pick up Simon who works about 10 min away from there and see him a bit earlier also…

Calling all homeschoolers!

Here is a really cool website to register on…

Homeschool Media Network

You can use an alias if you are under the radar or just don’t want to use you name and you can list yourself as a homeschooler in you region and maybe find other homeschoolers… the site is also a way to see how many homeschoolers there actually are…

it is free and it takes just a few minutes…

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