well… that was a bit depressing…

So… I knew that my scale was not reliable at all…. it was giving weights up to 5 lbs in difference each time I stepped on it…

So I went and bought a new scale last… and well… depressing as it is… I am 13 lbs heavier than the old scale was telling me …

I was already discouraged… when I saw that I felt a bit depressed…

However… today, looking at it…  It will be OK…
It is just a number and though I am farther from my goal than what I thought… I rather know now than if I found out after one of my mini-goals and found out that I really wasn’t there yet… at least this way I know where I really am and I know what I need to do to get where I want to be…

Honestly, I think that I need to eat a bit more… I got some great feedback and it made me realize that because I am a bit heavier than I thought and I am getting more exercise… then I might not be eating enough… and if that is the case I my body might be in  “starvation mode” and hoarding the fat instead of letting it go…

So… I will just keep on going… I really want this…