I have been a Fan of Hathor the Cow Goddess for quite a long time now….

there have been many Cartoons that have really been special

but a few weeks ago there was one that really hit home with me…

Just few minutes ago, Xavier came up to me with chocolate pudding around his mouth showing me that he had taken a pudding and then asked me if he could have it… I could have said no, could have made a big deal with it… it would have ended in a Tantrum for sure… then I thought… hey “Why not”… and told him that he could have it only it if he shared… so we giggled and ate a chocolate pudding together…. he then ate all of his breakfast with a big smile…

We say “No” way too often and often there is no real reason behind it other then we just don’t want them to….

and even then… when I really think about it… why don’t I want them to?…

Not saying No all of the time doesn’t mean that you always say yes either… There has to be limits and guidance….but… is it really awful that my child and I just shared a pudding for breakfast?

So.. before saying “no”…. “take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Why Not?” ”

Thanks Hathor!