The last few days have been Gorgeous… We were able to do things in the yard, play in the sun, eat outside, go to garage sales (well I did) and we even went swimming Sat, Sun and yesterday… the water was pretty cold on Sat but by Mon it had warmed up quite a bit and was so comfortable and refreshing… it was just one of those perfect days with the perfect temperature…
Of course it had to come to an end and last night we had a big thundershower and of course it was followed by colder air… So now the kids are begging to go swimming cause they had so much fun in the pool (especially yesterday… we spent about 3 hours in the pool between noon and 5…) and it is cool, windy and cloudy and there is no way that I will even get a bathing suit on….

I love being in the pool with the boys.. it is one activity that the boys love equally so neither gets tired of it or wants to leave… and if they do then they just get out and play on the deck… we all laugh and play and just have fun…

I didn’t get any pics of the boys in the pool yesterday since our camera isn’t of the waterproof variety… but here are a few others…

This is our yard….:) (well part of it)
May 2481

Xavier in the kiddie pool…

May 2491

May 2501

Xavier in the Hamac…

May 2531

May 2541

Colin eating from the Fruit bowl (1/2 a watermellon cubed, slices of apples and some strawberries)

May 2511

Colin just being cute… (after taking all of the apple pieces)
May 2571