Well… I am still pregnant….

I really thought that the other day would have been the day but no…. I went to bed and the contrax continued and then faded away into the night… the babe also moved back into an ROA position…

Xavier is a bit sick and I am not feeling well wither so I convinced Simon to stay home with me yesterday… and again today…

During the night some really weird feeling contractions woke me up quite a few times.. they didn’t hurt at all but my whole body shook before it came and then tightened… though it wasn’t painful, it was distracting enough to wake me up… and this morning the babe was back LOA…

I have a feeling that he or she is looking for the way out but like the boys just can’t find the way into my pelvis and can’t engage…

So I have been spending time on the birth ball as much as I can… trying to open my pelvis as much as I can…

Hopefully it will work soon…