For the fourth year in a row I have decided to do NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) in which the goal is to have at least one post per day for the whole month. Each year I use it as the opportunity to get back into the habit of writing and each year I find it hard but well worth it. When I was with Willa at the hospital I wondered if I had missed it (I forgot if it was Oct or Nov) and when I got back home I was so happy to see that I hadn’t. Of course if I had missed it, I could have done it by myself but my self-motivation is at times lacking and having the added outside pressure trumps my procrastination.

So I am putting myself up for the challenge once again. Posting every day for the whole month and getting back into the habit of blogging on a more regular basis.

So… If you have any ideas for me I would love to hear them!! Questions? topics you would like to hear my point of view on? Recipes that you would like to see?

I’m open!

And if you have a blog and are also going up for the challenge I would love for you to share your link with me…