This is going to be a lot of TMI (to much information) so skip if you wish…

Monday in the late morning I started to bleed… it was bright red, and present every time I wiped… I put a pad on and sat down and relaxed… each time I went to the bathroom there was blood when I wiped and as the day went on it got darker and there was more and there were small clots… in the evening it was not only when I wiped anymore… but it started to stain my pad also…

On Monday evening I called the nurses line for advice… the nurse said that I should “talk to my normal doc at the next appointment” and that if the bleeding was heavy enough to fill two pads in an hour or if I had really bad cramps etc… to go to the ER…

Overnight I got up twice and in the morning when I got up there was a small gush (like when you get up from bed when you are menstruating) and my pad got nearly filled…  and the rest of the day was the same as the night before but it got heavier… a pool of dark red blood with small clots on the toilet paper with a bit getting on the pad and it got heavier as the day went on… At about 4pm I was having small cramps and I was feeling “full”… and at about 6pm I bled quite a bit more and passed quite a few blood clots about the size of a dime or a penny… I felt something pushing on my cervix and felt the urge to push a bit and right away a larger clot came out…

but then I felt better…

I felt lighter and had more energy..

in the few times that I went to the bathroom after that I was back to spotting red blood with the occasional clot… then the bleeding went back to as it was the day before… not getting on the pad but only there when I wiped but there were clots once in while (after I sneezed, or after having a bm etc… ) and then when I woke up this morning there was again nothing in the pad but a lot when I wiped there was a fair amount but not much for having accumilated overnight…

since this morning though it seems to be tapering off… it is no longer thick dark blood but more reddish and though there are clots once in while they are small and there are not much…

this morning I wondered if I could go see a doc so maybe I could know what was happening… if this pregnancy is finished or if there is still hope… so I called to see for an appointment and was told that the doc wouldn’t see me if I was bleeding and to go to the ER if I needed to…

The thing is though… I am bleeding more than I want to, but no where near how much I usually bleed when I am menstruating…  and I have no cramps other than the normal pregnancy cramps and pulling and the light cramps I had before passing that clot… it doesn’t feel like an “emergency” as if my life is in danger… the pregnancy might very well be finished but even if it is there is nothing that the ER could do besides confirm it and try to get me to do other interventions that I am uncomfortable with at this stage… so as I see it, as long as things are stable and not getting worse, and I am feeling ok then I don’t see any reason to go…

so… it is a waiting game.. a hard one in which I seem to be accepting the worst… but hoping for the best…