I have always been more comfortable being barefoot… I never wear shows in the houseor the yard and if I visit someone the shoes come off… when I was working as a photographer I would always take my shoes off while I worked… Of course in the front of the store I needed shoes, but the minute no one was in the store the shoes were off again… at school I would always take my shoes off in class and when I was in CEGEP I often left my shoes in my locker… I have always drove barefoot also and I feel like I have so much more control then when I have shoes on (well boots since shoes and sandals come off right away when I drive)
I have been visiting the Society for Barefoot Living‘s Website for quite a long time, at least two years now and recently I have been reading more about barefoot living and when a tribe came up on MDC looking for other barefooters well I had to chime in… and I also got thinking about going barefoot all of the time… So last week I started to go barefoot everywhere… walking to the park, doing the groceries, going to the store etc… I was a bit nervous at first but no one even noticed… or if they did I didn’t see them notice…

When Xavier saw that I was leaving to to go to the store and hadn’t put sandles on he asked me why and I told him that I don’t like shoes and I just reather go barefoot…. so since I went barefoot so has he… He thinks that it is great going into stores barefoot and since it has been raining we have had fun walking through puddles in the parking lots and on the street. I love the textures in the supermarket too… and the cold floor feel really good when you are hot…
We gotten a few looks, especially with Xavier barefoot too and I admit It must be a sight to see… a pregnant barefoot mama with a barefoot toddler in a sling and holding the hand of a barefoot preschooler.. and We did one comment today when Xavier went in front of the cart and an employee said “watch your toes” but that’s it….

Not only do I believe that being barefoot is good for our health, I just love the feeling and my feet finally feel free!!