I am "a hippie with a minivan". A mom of four who has chosen to take the less travelled roads in parenting. We are a unschooling family and learn through life without punishments or rewards. I am a
Needle Felting Artist, I love being in the Kitchen, and love to share my passion of Natural Parenting through Workshops and Mentoring. We have a big dream of living on the road and we are in the process of
converting a bus!
Wow – that’s really impressive. How did he even decide to try that?
He can climb anything and everything… usually he does it on the part of the hallway that is a bit narrower but then realized that he could now do it there also… he goes up and watches TV from there and then just jumps down…
This kid could climb before he could walk…
My husband used to do this too as a child. No surprise that he enjoys rock climbing as a hobby!