The last few weeks I have been getting more spam registrations… so I finally installed a plugin to help deter them and I am about to go through the list of registered users and delete all the ones that I know are spam… however… if an error occurs and I delete someone who is not spam but just has a weird username (like 1bdsfvbkn2352) or weird e-mail address then sorry in advance….
and if you are not a registered user and would like to then you can do so at the bottom of the page π There are sometimes extra posts and you can subscribe to my blog and get e-mail notifications when I post if you choose…
Hi! I have been a reader since Khe`na’s UP/UC, (very inspirational!) and i think that I registered back then, but I have forgotten if and what I registered as. Not sure if it was Lizzardbits, Lizzzardbits, Lizz, or Karin. I would love to log in, so if you could email me at lizzzardbits at yahoo dot com, or send me a twitter, that would be lovely, thank you π
Hi! I remember you posting but found it weird that I couldn’t find your info… then I realized that you were registered on my pregnancy blog and not here… I registered you now and will send you an e-mail with the info π
Yay! it works, thank you! Now I won’t be a lurky lurker!