We decided to tell the family this weekend. The reactions were mixed… My mom was happy, Simon’s dad was happy… Simon’s mom wasn’t… well… she maybe is but I didn’t hear it… Simon called his mom and I picked up the other phone and listened in…. he told her and she said something like… “Oh no… not for real?” Ughh… I hung up and it seems she was a bit happier after.

She doesn’t see the kids on a regular basis and when she does she doesn’t have a good idea of who they really are and how good they really are… she is a very nervous person at times, well, most times and doesn’t like mess etc… when she comes over with Simon’s sister the kids, well Xavier gets really excited and he is just a handful at times, and Colin of course just wants to be with me in my arms…. she seems to think that he is like that all of the time and she has been saying negative comments about having a third for a while now…

My mom also knows that I will be going unassisted and has no problem with it… she said that she would be there… but no… that would makes me even more nervous…

I also told Simon’s dad’s GF and his grandmother about the UP and they had little opinion but it was at least positive…

Anyways… they know….