I have been curious about taking another test…

I don’t usually take many tests when I see a positive result but the tests that I took almost two weeks ago were taken a few days before my period was due and were very light… the kind of light enough that you see it in good light but barely, and the tests I took with the boys were like that also (I always test early) but with the loss I was just starting to have doubts, especially because I don’t have any symptoms besides the fact my period still hasn’t shown up…

So, I thought it could ease my mind to just try another test… and crossed my fingers to not see a negative test or even another light test…

It was a pretty cool thing to see the + sign show up way before the control line did and it wasn’t even morning pee…it is the first time that has happened… that I have seen such a strong line…

No doubts now….

still a bit of worry… but no doubts…
