Ughh… I have been having a bit of problems web wise the last few days…. I almost deleted my blog completely while trying to do something with a my new pregnancy blog that will soon be up… Then the message board went weird with a database error and a file that went haywire (for no reason that I can see) and then I decided to get my new site up and it didn’t work out at all and I finally found the error earlier today….
Anyways… While I should have been concentrating on getting the french version of my site up I was preoccupied with just making it look better. So now I like the look a lot more… and it doesn’t make me cringe as much when I send people to the site š
Someone gave me some really good feedback a while ago (you know who you are) and I thank you so much. I haven’t gotten it all in but I am working at it…
So.. now the message board has it own domain (, my website is finally working under the domain name that it had and that I never could figure out how to work ( and the blog has been saved…
Oh… and backups have been made!