I am in the process of writing a few posts at the moment… but can’t seem to finish any of them…
So for now I am just going to share a few new pics…
It is amazing to see how Willa is changing…. She is in a language boom completely, talking in sentences and able to communicate what she wants and needs. She also loves doing things for herself such as getting milk out of the fridge and pouring herself a glass, or getting undressed and dressed by herself.

She loves her brothers, though I would have to say that Colin and Xavier are her go-to guys as she and Khéna are closer in age and there is a bit of rivalry going on…
(she loves to draw with Colin…)
and hang out with Xavier…
Talking about Xavier… he is getting big… I mean really big! He’ll be ten in just a few months and he comes up past our shoulders… I am starting to see the day that he will be taller than me and it feels a bit strange. He is also changing. He has always been a very sensitive, intense and impulsive kid that resists change, and now he is mellowing out and is able to control his emotions and can see that change is not always bad. It is making our family life so much easier.
It is amazing to see how my family is growing and how the dynamics are changing…
My four beautiful children…