and what a cool castle it is…

I found this on Kijiji at a price that I could not ignore… So on Saturday I got the seats out of the car… took the ferry to the north shore and drove about an hour to pick it up…

It was a bit tough to put together because two of the walls didn’t want to snap together and the kids were really excited wanting to play in it so they couldn’t stop wanting to “help”…

Now we still have to rearrange the play room a bit more and continue decluttering… but it is a hit!

You can climb onto a platform in the turret.. or hid under that… and the door locks and there is a secret passageway behind the fireplace…There is a slide missing in the back but the boys don’t know that so they really don’t care… I would love to find a replacement though…

I think that we are going to make some flags soon to decorate it and make it their own…

New Castle...