We got snow yesterday… and during the night…

enough that a friend of mine that was supposed to come over cancelled because of the road conditions…

The boys were really excited to go out and play this morning… so after Xavier got up, we ate breakfast and the played a bit we all got dressed to go outside…I did some shovelling a bit and played for a few minutes and then came back in while the boys continued to have fun…

Took off his hat...


Playing outside...

They got out at about 10:30 am and Khéna was the first one to come in about an hour later…

(I love the hat hair when their toques come off)

In from the cold... I LOVE hat hair!

Not having their little brother around,  Xavier and Colin headed to the front yard…

(Here is Khéna saying bye to them)

Saying hi to his brothers...

(this is the front yard… but here it looks a lot bigger than it is… the tree in the background is actually across the street)

Xavier the front yard...

Colin then came in at about noon and headed downstairs to play with Legos while Khéna fell asleep and had his nap…

Xavier continued to play outside for not another hour… but for 3 more hours!!!

I couldn’t believe it he stayed out there for 4 1/2 hours…

he just played… nothing and everything…

he licked the snow and watched the clouds, he watched the cars and the big trucks… he brushed off the car and slid down the hill the plow left…

Before he came in, Khéna woke up and he went in the back with his little brother again… and then they both came in to eat…

Days like this you know are just good for them…