So… as I finished typing that last post and breathed in a a breath of quietness… the phone rang… Colin headed up stairs to go to the bathroom and Khéna was woken by both the phone and his brother…

I made lunch, we ate and the boys headed back downstairs and I sat down to read while Khéna was happily playing in view in the kitchen… he then went out of view… nothing alarming as he plays out of view quite often… but he became quiet… a bit too quiet…

I stood up and walked to the kitchen where I saw him sitting happily in the middle of a puddle… it was a yellowish liquid and it surrounded him completly… pee? I thought…but there was too much to be pee….

then… I saw it… next to him… an almost empty container of vegetable oil … it was full before (1.89L worth)… and now it is not…


A roll of Paper towels later… and I have washed the floor 3 times with dish soap…. now I need to figure out how to salvage the veggie oil soaked Fleece diaper cover…. it is soaking in hot water and dish soap as I type…