but something is happening…

this may have TMI for some 😉

Usually my evenings are full of prodromal labour… and then everything disappears in sleep and I wake to no more contractions until the next evening… this morning however, I woke up to the babe back in an LOA position and I am getting contractions every once in a while… not painful and not close together but just the fact that it is morning and they keep on coming is enough for things to seem different…
I decided to check myself again, for the last few weeks my cervix has been pretty closed, posterior and effaced just a bit, I did dilate a bit last week but it then went back to closed…I didn’t think that it could do that… of well… I have also been very dry… so, I decided to check myself again today and though my cervix is still pretty much posterior, it is mushy and it is opening and to my surprise I have quite a bit of mucous…

So something is happening… we’ll see where it goes…