I don’t have much internet access here at my mom’s so I haven’t been able to write much.. or upload pics… but I got a connection this morning so I am doing as much as I can…

here is something I wrote on the plane…

We left this morning at 5:30… getting up 45min before…

Got to the airport and checked in and then got a bagel and some water before we headed for the gate… Security was interesting… everything went great but Xavier had a lot of trouble letting his pet dragon go through the xray without him…

I scooped him up… went through to the other side and by the timewee got there Dragony was on the way out and we scooped him up as fast as we could… another little struggle with a toy a few minutes later and then a nice pep talk and everything was great after…

In the plane we got two rows… the boys next to the windows and us next to them… We got lucky and only one perrson sat next to us and then once we were up in the air he moved to another empty seat and we got both rows to ourselves… I moved Khéna to Colins carseat and Colin next to Simon… and Khena slept for about an hour and a half at the least…


The rest of the flight as good except for going down… Khena didn’t want to be on me facing me and Colin had a lot of pain with his ears… but once we got down both were better…

We got out of the plane and went to the baggage claim where my mom was waiting and soon after we were loading the two cars that had come got us and we headed to my mom’s… a few trips to the park and seeing a great old friend and meeting some new people and then we got the kids to sleep and ate an amazing supper that my mom’s bf had made for us… finally, not being able to keep our eyes open any more we headed for bed…

It feels so great to be here!

pics to come