I am in back in one of those phases that all I see is stuff and all I think about is what I can get rid of. I would love to put the house up for sale in the near future and I can’t imagine showing a house that is so cluttered and paniic when I think of having to pack it all up…

Last week, I got rid of a big chest that was in the boys room and that had 9 years worth of accumulated “Little People”. With the boys help, we washed them all, dried them, put the sets together and then took a picture..

I figured a good price would be 100$ for the whole lot and put it up on a local Facebook page and within minutes it sold…

It felt so good to see it all leave the house the next day.

The week before I also sold our old toy kitchen for 20$…. not bad considering I had bought it used for 40$ 9 years ago and all the kids have played with it…

Now I want to get rid of more, with each thing that leaves the house I feel lighter, but there is still so much stuff.

I need a plan. I need a goal.

A few years ago I did a decluttering challenge… 30 days= 500 items. I finished the challenge without a problem. (wow, I just looked back and that was in Oct of 2006 when I was pregnant with Khéna!!)

It is time to do one again. I am not yet sure on how I am going to do it with December being the holidays and such, but I dont want to hold it off either. So I would love to get some ideas and once I figure out exactly how I am going to do this, if you want to join in I would love that too…