on sunday Colin turned 3…
with Colin though this birthday feels a bit different.

l still have that feeling of wow! where does time go?! but then l also think “only 3?”

What an amazing kid he has become. Verbally he is so advanced, so much more than his brother at the same age and now his understanding has caught up with his vocabulary. He just acts and talks so much more older that is surprises me that he was only 2 and now that he is only 3… Maybe it is due to being a second child but whatever it is, I love that we can really have a conversation with him at such a young age.

He is such a fun kid. He make us laugh everyday.

He loves playing the role of someone else… he is often Harry Potter, a puppy, a girl (named Trishay) among others… he plays those roles so well and of course we need to play along….

He loves music and songs, he loves to play with cars, trains and has an amazing imagination.

What a cool kid!!

Happy birthday Colin!

the boys

His own pirate chest

little pirate

sept 129

Happy birthday Colin!