When I was pregnant with Xavier I made him a very simple quilt… it was one of my first sewing projects… it was simple, it made from old clothes and second hand scraps, it was small, and it sparked a love for sewing.

First quilt back of my first quilt...

Surprisingly, I haven’t quilted since…

I have a lot of material in my sewing room including many 5″ squares that I had cut when I was making some kid dresses a few years ago. I was wondering what I could do with them when I just decided to have fun and experiment… so… I cut the squares into strips and randomly sewed the strips together to make new squares. I put them side to side and thought that they would make a great quilt just as they were….

then I came across this video on how to make an easy pinwheel…

and from that, my colourful striped squares became these…


I put a border around each piece, put batting and a back and made a block that is 9 1/2″ square… and am in the process of making more…


I am just doing it little by little, quilting each block as I go without much of a plan. It is a lot of work and I am not sure just what exactly I will end up with, but I am having so much doing it and the results are already inspiring…