The decluttering bug has hit me again…it happened at the same time last year so maybe it is just the time of the year?

Whatever it is, I have been decluttering around the house the last few days…

the first thing I wanted/needed to do was the sewing room… All the fabric that I use was piled on a chair next to my desk which not only made the room look cluttered and messy but the fabric was wrinkled and hard to find also…

So.. on Friday I went out in search of a bookcase… and I found one… I didn’t pay much because it was the floor model which was a bonus because then I didn’t have to assemble it either…

So on Saturday I placed all my fabric in it, got rid of some stuff that I won’t use and cleaned up my sewing table… I also fixed the little office chair that I was no longer using because it was not too comfortable and was burried under all of the fabric… and at the same time Simon decluttered his clothes which are in the sewing room also…

Yesterday when making the beets I also decided to declutter my pantry… Now that feels good also…

I still have a lot to do in the house but I hope to tackle at least one thing a day and get the house to a level that I feel comfortable with…

Annie will be proud šŸ˜‰