Yesterday, just as I got the muffins out of the oven I got a call from a friend to go over to her place… So I quickly made a baba ganoush with the eggplants that I already had cooked and waiting in the fridge, got the kids ready and left…

Though it was cold yesterday it was gorgeous… and on the way I decided to take a few pictures…
I was surprised to see a goose still here… it was alone on the river…

My friend lives about an hour away… near Mont St-Hilaire and just near where Simon grew up…
The light is strange in this pic but here is the mountain…

and up close, nearing my friends house…

and along the way from my house to hers, is mostly flat farmland… many of the farms are old and there are so many old barns just waiting to be photographed.. and Yesterday the gold colours of the harvests just stood out…