My friend Gen came over last weekend to spend an afternoon and brought me such a nice present from her trip to Halifax…

Each time I look at it it makes me so happy, it is truly something that I will cherish forever 🙂

Sculpture that Gen gave me :)

And speaking of Gen makes me think of Sparky… Sparky is a cat that Gen couldn’t keep when she moved into a new appt with some new roomates… So, Sparky came to live with us for a while and has since became part of the family… he is a great cat for the kids and is so patient and loves to cuddle them even when they get a bit rough… (not mean rough… just rough love 🙂 ) Anyways… Sparky loves to sleep on the deck next to the pool and on Monday Simon took the chairs away and then cleaned the cushions and put them in the deck rail to dry… Sparky thought that it was just as good a place to lay down…

Sparky misses the chairs...