Making a meal plan every week is a life saver with 4 kids, or even 3… or 2…

Having a list of planned meals, buying for those meals and going to the grocery store with a detailed list means that you don’t only save money, but you also don’t waste food. I have following this way of shopping for a few years now and I have never once regretted it. I don’t go to the extent that I plan all of the meals each day, I need some spontaneity. I plan 6-7 supper meals and eat them in the order that we feel like, starting with meals with ingredients that we need to use up more quickly, like meat.

My procedure for planning meals was written here

To make things easier and to add a bit of variety, I am in the process making a document of Meal ideas at the moment that has all of the meals that we enjoy eating and making by category. I find that looking at a list of meals makes meal planning a lot easier. It also reminds me of things that we haven’t made in a while.

This week our Grocery bill came to about 110$, in my opinion that is not bad at all for a family of 6 (well 5 who actually eat)