Remember this post? when we waited for 16 hours just to be told that there was sign of infection but that there was no paediatrician in the hospital at the moment and that she would call us but then she never did?

Well, on Wednesday, the day after we got home from our hospital stay, I went to the local CLSC to see one of the nurses there and because the CLSC is in the Sorel hospital I decided to stop by the archives and get her test results from that day.

While waiting for the nurse, I opened the envelope and when I got to the last page I felt like I had just been kicked in the stomach.

There, in plain black and White there was a positive urine culture. E-Coli, sensitive to all the antibiotics. I broke down crying…

They knew.

They knew and did not do a follow-up. They knew and did not tell us. They knew that she had an infection and if we would have caught it then, she wouldn’t have had to go through this whole ordeal and instead it could have been a simple case of antibiotics.

I have filed an official complaint against the hospital and against the two doctors through the ombudsman. I found out that the nurse that I saw in the CLSC also went to see him. The next step might be legal action once everything is over with and she is finally on the mend….

I am furious, I am heartbroken…

She went though all of this because they didn’t bother to follow up with the test results.

I am speechless…