I am having a bad day…

There is no reason really, but the messy house wasn’t helping…

Then… there was a Bionicle on the floor. Actually, there were many Bionicles on the floor right in the middle of the living room and the boys were nowhere to be seen… The Bionicles were also nowhere to be seen as the boys had conveniently covered them with a blanket.

If you don’t know what Bionicles are, they are from Lego and they are robots that you can build. Of course like Lego, if you step on a piece. Well, you know what happens…  it hurts.

Again, I am in a bad mood…

I stepped on a Bionicle… and yes, it hurt…

So, of course I did what came rationally to me at the moment… I threw said Bionicle…

down the stairs….

It wasn’t my proudest moment…

A few minutes later I overheard Colin and Khéna downstairs…

  • Colin: What happened to your Bionicle?
  • Khéna: Mama THREW it!!
  • Colin: Why?…
  • Khéna: I don’t know!
  • Colin: huh… I guess she malfunctioned… 

yes…  exactly…

coucou Kéké