Allergies or a cold I have no idea but I feel miserable…
My rose is running, my throat is scratchy, my eyes are gucky, my ears are ichy and I just have no energy at all…
Simon worked during the night last night and got home at about 8 this morning and is sleeping but Xavier doesn’t want to leave his side… I got Simon to go sleep in on the bed in the playroom so that Xavier can play and watch a movie while being near his dad…
Colin has been really fussy these last few days and doesn’t want to be a foot away from us… I have been wearing him alot but I don’t feel too good…
This week is going to be very busy…We wanted to get tons of things done this weekend so that the house would be clean and easy to maintain until next weekend.. (Colin will be a year on Friday and we are having a Party on Sat) There will be a few people here which I don’t mind… the thing that makes me a little queasy though is that there will be a few family members here (my mom’s side) and they are very critical people and everything has to be perfect… So anyways… I have alot of things to do before Saturday…
Tomorrow during the day Xavier is going to be in Daycare so I will have a bit of time to do a few things but I am giving a pre-natal tomorrow night, then on Wednesday I have a meeting with my fellow breastfeeding councelors, then on Thursday I have a doctors appt for me and Colin in Montreal… Friday Somin is taking off from work though so that we can get things done around the house and Xavier will be in Daycare so hopefully that will work out…
Anyways… today is an Ughh day…