I have been reading and rereading a few books lately and I thought that I would share the my list of “must haves”…
I would guess that many of you already know and love these books but if you don’t and you have kids or are around kids you need to read them..
The difference between these books and mainstream parenting books are that these are not all “how to” books… they are not books meant to give quick fixes while putting parents into an “us against them” frame of mind with children. They are not all-in-one manuals and instead all compliment each other. These are books that will change the way that you think about children and how they are and should be raised.
you should look at In their own way…. I think you’d probably really enjoy it.
oooo I am going to reserve some of them from the library!!
I have a lot I could say about your wonderful choices. Those are all favourites of mine. There are a number of NVC flavoured books that I would add to the top of my list though like: NVC, Parenting from the Heart, Raising Children Compassionately, Don’t Be Nice, Be Real… Gosh there are so many great books out there. Last Child in the Woods….
I also wanted you to know I mentioned you on my blog. Muah!