2011 already…

Here are a few things that have been happening around here…

I finally got my Xmas pics up, It was so hard to get good pics with the little daytime light that we have this time of the year especially because we don’t have great indoor lighting either…

(Xmas morning)

Xmas morning...

My Grandma... My little girl Xavier Xmas morning...

Daddy and Willa

So careful...Our Tree 2010 My mom and Grandmother

Mama and Willa

My uncle is feeling better and I was even able to wish him happy new year over the phone last night… It is amazing how fast the body can recover after having been so close to death. He should even be getting out in the next week… I just hope that this is a bit of a wake up call to take better care of himself…

I just found out that I became an aunt on Xmas day… I find it sad that I might never meet my nephew and that my kids may never meet their cousin… I never thought that my brother would ever settle down…

Tomorrow we are leaving for a 4 day unschooling gathering at the same place we went in the summer… It will be a smaller group which will be great. I am looking forward to hanging out with other unschoolers, talking over tea, playing outside (hopefully temps will return to normal) and just relaxing unplugged for a few days.

I hope to take lots of pics but I might not… I have been making a conscious effort to live the moment instead of trying to capture it…

Have a great New year!