We just came out of our first heat wave of the year and unfortunately our pool wasn’t ready for it… So we suffered, yes, suffered through a few days of heat…

Wilhelmina had the right idea and slept through the hottest part of the day yesterday…

sleeping off the heat

The boys played in the kiddie pool and with the hose and in the mud and had a great time…

The temperature finally dropped last night and each gust of wind was so refreshing… of course this morning, after the heat wave had passed, the pool was ready… Simon did the last touches, cleaning and and the getting the steps in (with some help from Khéna)

pool is almost ready! helping dad clean the pool stairs

When the pool was ready the boys didn’t hesitate to jump in… and neither did we. The temp of the pool was actually warmer today, at the end of May, than it was the while of last summer… it was perfect!

Colin JumpingXavier jumping

Got the ring!

Of course, Wilhelmina couldn’t miss out on the fun… she absolutely LOVED the water! she went in 4 times and each time she got more and more excited and when she was out she showed very clearly that she wanted to be back in. It is amazing how much she is growing.

First time in the pool! Loving the water

So, though summer is not officially here, for us it feels as though it is…