The weather here has been great this weekend… especially today…

The boys played outside while Simon finished doing some yard work and putting things away for the season… I was so looking forward to taking pictures this season and being cameraless has really been a bummer…  I feel like I am missing out on so many moments without it…  Hopefully I will have our new one this week…

Colin is feeling better and I have a feeling that it was fifth disease… and hopefully it was not a coincidence and Khéna just had a different presentation of it… When I was picking up a referral for blood work I saw the ped. and mentioned it to him and he thought that it was a very good possibility.

So, Next week I have to being Khéna for a bloodtest and I was wondering how I was going to do that with the 3 kids… Simon can’t take much time off work at the moment because there are two days that he will be taking in the next few weeks already…


Today I asked my neighbour if she was free any morning this week.. and when she said that she wasn’t, I asked if she knew of anyone that babysits… and she mentioned the neighbours that we have across the street… So, I got the guts to go over and I got a great first impression…

My neighbour, is friends with the mom and the oldest girl is almost 19, has done the babysitting classes etc and is just really nice… she is open to babysit pretty much any evening and weekend and has the day off on friday so she could take care of Colin and Xavier while I bring Khéna for the tests… She is also open to spending a few hours with on the weekend while we are home… bringing them to the park or playing or something while we do things around the house…. which is something that I have been thinking would be great… I also love that she is so close….

It felt really weird going over there though… being the mom getting a babysitter…

I am not completely sure yet that we are ready to leave the kids yet (well… not Khéna yet of course) but I like knowing that we have the option availible if we need it…