I wish I could say that I have not been writing much because I have been super busy. It would be way too easy. I have had the time to write in the last weeks, but I just haven’t been doing it.

So, now it is time and I will use it to catch up…

Summer came early here this year. Then left. Then came back, and now left again. Quebec weather is unpredictable and extreme. We had frost warnings last night and a heat wave two days before. If you live here, you know what I am talking about. I did manage to get the pool starting during our first heat wave at the beginning of the May however which meant days in the pool when the weather permits. Which is needed when you do not have air conditioning.

Here is a picture from from the beginning of May. Wilhelmina isn’t very big on cold water so she lets the boys go in while she at most gets her feet wet. The boys however can spend hours in the pool without a problem.



Actually, the weekends of May were quite busy. We had a homeschooling conference which was quite enlightening. At the moment, there is a wave of unschooling happening on the french side of the homeschooling community and it was seen at the conference. (I am writing a post on that)

I then had a cadet reunion. Yes, I was an air cadet… and this year it was the 60th anniversary of the squadron so they decided to invite all of the alumni. We even marched around the arena and then caught up with old friends and acquaintances, had an awful supper and then danced to music from the early 90’s… It was fun and weird…

We also got very close to getting a bus but it fell through at the last moment. Sigh… so close yet so far.

One day we will get out of this cycle we are in and we will get our dream to go ahead. It has giving me a big boost of decluttering though, and we we spent a whole weekend taking things out of closets and going through clothes and toys and books and stuff and were all read to do a garage sale. Of course we live in a city in which you can not have garage sales except for 3 weekends in May (in which you have to choose only one) and then one weekend in August. Well, we decided on the last weekend of the three because my reunion was on the first weekend, the second weekend we took to get ready but then of course it rained and we couldn’t do it. So now we have a house and shed in which all of our clutter is out and in the open, and I am completely overwhelmed with the mess which makes it even harder to get the minimum done. I could just donate it all and there are things that I do not mind simply getting rid of but there are things that I would rather try to sell but I need to make a deadline so that what doesn’t sell leaves. It is SO hard though.

In other news, we got our passports! A lot of work to get that done but Simon did it all and we did it. I saw that the “We Shine” unschooling gathering was happening again this year and again, I missed the registration. Of course in the last years when I realized, I was not only too late but didn’t have our passports anyway but this year I was still late on registration but took a chance and thankfully I did, because we are going! Yay! So, in 11 days we will be heading to the Catskills in NY and we will be spending a week with amazing Unschoolers. I can’t wait!!!

So rambling over…

I am working on a few posts that I have been meaning to write and maybe I will get the habit of posting often again..  hopefully, because I miss it 🙂